[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

because this post is hella villagery on its’ own and also unhinges the lynchpin from my point and flings it back into my nose

no you

…So when I push you it’s scummy because only scum would possibly push someone who claims to be confirmable, but when you push Squid specifically because she claims a confirmable role and demand that she claims in a game with a claimvig that’s totally fine?

no you wasn’t meant for you to claim it was just an automatic reaction to asking a person to claim

i remember them posting but nothing they said which doesn’t sit well in my mind

also their pfp is boring af

@arete change ur pfp pls xD

It’s what we call villagery self-awareness.

I doubt ill live that long dont worry

Wait guys hold on a second

Because Squid has done absolutely jack shit this match aside from claiming something confirmable, and she only did it after we started pressing on her.

Goddammit dont. I want to meme but apparently I need to hold off on that.

Claiming is just gonna kill her, like does her flip really give us any associations?

I dont think that squids emotional response makes Her any town because She does that as scum too however her claiming important makes her town in My mind So I am oppossing to making her claim

No you

I don’t understand it still.

Or, more accurately, self-awareness of your own flaws but not overawareness of your own appearances.

Alice the next time you ask someone to claim I’m hanging you and no exceptions to this.

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You mean fk, arent you Alice, or is that charade over

Because you’re completely unaware of the fact that that post is hillarious, because you’re basically saying a bowlderised version of my own argument on you.

Going and talking about how “interesting” something is and then not doing anything about it is what I was accusing you of, and the fact that you didn’t realise how hillarious it was indicates you’re not thinking about your own appearances.

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It resolves her slot. She had a wolfy map vote earlier on, did nothing regarding reads, and only when we pressed on her did she claim an important role, and then when I removed my pressure on her she disappeared.