[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!


Cool beans.

Mind explaining why?

so I can stop scumslipping

That right there

Oh I get it now

Thanks for the explanations

/vote kai

Vulgard, your argument fails on one important hurdle;

it assumes i’m smart

But it also fails on the more important point that the kind of mind that goes into tunnels with the sole intent of dropping them at any time without creating a backup push that it can curve into without it being jarring dosen’t exist.

@Ami ur the leading wagon mate.

/vote Kai

As in, that strikethroughed part.

I dont do that stuff as town.

/dayvig astand

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/vote Kai

i need hammer /unvote

contain yourself Solic… It’s fine… you’re okay… it’s okay… move along.

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You are not allowed to Hammer

Well I do that as town.
I can actually explain the origins of where I started talking like this if you really want a history lesson on me

I guess I have to claim now.

My role is very important and self resolves.


you are stoopid

No u

We are all PKR in this blessed day.


Thats crazy i think we must be same role

A veritable shitfest has begun.

That’s one of the hardest to read posts I’ve ever seen but I think I get what you’re saying.
…Actually no I don’t. I still think the whole tunnel thing from you was scummy.