[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I think we just lynch Kai and then dayvig Boss.

I’m looking through your posts and I can’t find that ‘reason.’

not it

not it

if that’s actually it I will strangle you in your sleep

what reason, help me

So you skipped over all of our interactions and quoted ones Where I dont interact with him?

No I’m reading your whole ISO I can’t find this. You were scumreading boss before but I can’t find anything about Kai

Because there wasnt motivation for post And he cant answer

No. Mordor passive.

Forgot about it. But yeah, just force them to shoot in a pre-agreed PoE and if they shoot outside of it and that player flips town then just lynch them.

Okay, so what I’m hearing is we go out of our way to make sure Andrej ABSOLUTELY does not hammer.

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Literally half of My iso is replying to boss or talking about quote of his

But you even voted for it. :eyes:

I don’t think he’s the kind of player who’d just agree with the consensus, so yeah.

I thought that was just the hammering passive.

Teleologys on there twice lol

Vote Count:

Player Voters Count
Boss110 Kai_5, Marshal 2/12
Alice Teleology, Hippolytus 2/12
Hippolytus Arete 1/12
Kai_5 Alice, astand 2/12
Datbird H_Hja 1/12
H_Hja Vulgard 1/12
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Me? Yeah, because I kinda gave up on town for some stupid reason.

Error: 404 Response not found

The way Andrej is playing he only cares about hammering someone and little else.
I would say he’s lock neutral but in this setup I have no idea if he can be neutral (especially since Ginger claimed neutral by perspective before). You can call him a bad town but his mindset doesn’t even align with town’s win condition.
New take. He’s openwolfing scum.

/vote Andrej

If he was meming then I wouldn’t do this but he’s taking this seriously. What kind of town does all of these things:

  • threatens shooting an innocent in case he doesn’t get hammer
  • wants to get hammer above lynching scum
  • has no reads and doesn’t want to make reads despite being encouraged to do so
  • arrives in the thread almost exclusively to jump on a wagon or shade the person being wagoned
  • never contributes anything of note

That’s not even bad play, that’s straight up scum-oriented play. And he gets away with openwolfing because of his reputation.
Kill this. Lynch this. Murder this with fire.

I’m used to lurkers and slankers but I’ve never seen a lurker or slanker with such an anti-town attitude. Not caring is typically towny but in this specific case he’s actively hurting town.

And the worst part is, if I’m right he’s going to fly UTR because nobody will expect him to openwolf like that. Of course he’s going to openwolf. I don’t think all scum are lurkers/slankers. He could’ve easily been coached like ‘you can do whatever and they will townread you for it because you’re actually doing something.’

There’s way too much here, way past ‘bad town.’ Just lynch this now. I’m 100% convinced this flips scum. And when it does, 100% there is scum in the top posters who told Andrej to act like this.

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Practice what you preach and start giving reads.

Why are you ticked off at the shot, but not PKR? Weird wording.

Doesn’t seem like it when you’ve just been talking mechanics. :man_shrugging:

This feels like a setup on Astand/Hippo, so I don’t think they’d be scumteam together.

Dang, you’re aware of giving out associations.

I would have wavered here now, but the short timespan between these three posts make this feel like fake ATE/annoyance.

“I’m just sooo fucking annoyed”

“Peace out, I’m grabbing brekkie now”

Start giving those reads/assocations Squid and maybe you’ll change my mind. :upside_down_face:

No, Alice. Read context.

But I answered anyway.