[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!


could be a regular vig or just a tk or something

tbf he hasn’t really done much either

has chiang even posted yet?

I originally posted this

And then when vulgard came on, I got no response so I said this

a wolf pic?


this isn’t supposed to mean that ur wolf or that ur lost wolf or some shit


He has, but finding his posts is a struggle since there are so few.
You’re right that Derps hasn’t done much either but he has done more. That’s why it’s bafflng.

Idk what you’re talking about?

I actually forgot to respond to you. I’ve already said why I thought you had to be scum with Alice. Basically it was 100% by association and I didn’t find you that scummy independently.


don’t start playing games with all ur bs

this is stupid as hell and im going off to my next class

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Okay not what I was wanting you to do. I dont need your previous explanation o wanted to instead wonder why I am actually fine with leaving it to the desperado play when I dont even know if alice is a desperado.

Pro tip: if you want to find posts for someone inactive enough that you can’t just click the Iso-this-poster button up top, you can go to the search bar, type @[their name], click the ‘Search this topic’ button, and voila.

If you then want them to be in order you can click on one, click on the user, and click the iso-them button.

What I mean is, at this point, it matters not if you see me as town or Mafia. What got me upset was that you think I can counter this desperado play somehow. That because i am not, then I have to be mafia.

So Arete why do you think a town would bleed me hefe

…I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. Can you rephrase?
I’m not sure I ever said you could ‘counter’ the desperado play. Maybe that’s how something came across but I don’t think I’ve ever said that.

You’re pretty inactive and your alignment is unclear at this point, bleeding you takes you out of the PoE without us having to waste a lynch. Are you even familiar with the concept of a slank vig/inactivity vig?

The bolded part. It matters little what I do or say. I cant change anything. Dont label me as Mafia because of that

I rlly have no idea what you’re talking about, it must have been a typo

I don’t think town would bleed like that d1

so u don’t think u deserve to be bled?

why’s that?

Why would scum bleed you, though? That doesn’t make sense either.

Oh, that.
I was basically saying that if you’re scum, Alice has to be scum as well; if Alice is town, you are town.
That’s what I think right now based on what has happened. What you do or say actually does matter if you’re directly involved in a reaction test like that, or ‘gambit’ if Alice is scum - you were in the position to ruin it if you wanted to, and if you knew it was a gambit/reaction test.
Ultimately though I think your alignment depends on Alice’s alignment and I don’t think the two of you can possibly be opposite alignments. If you somehow are, then Alice is 100% more likely to be scum than you.

Because town shouldn’t be bled