[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Why the fuck would you wait a day it’s the only thing you could heal this day lmao

It is because you are being misleading. Being physically unable to do something is different from not doing something because it is dumb to do so.

The person who gets their hammer passive will be bolded when a person is actually lynched anyway.

Perhaps the heal is conditional or limited use?

It is physically impossible for anyone not bleeding or poisoned to be healed from a mafia (maybe all I forget) kill tonight

They can be healed, but they will still die.

THEN THEY ARENT HEALED. I can’t argue with you you’re being dumb as fuck right now

bleeding cant be healed from an attack either then, by that logic

I wonder when you will go back to the point of how tele is scum instead of diverting the topic

How can you be healed and still die lol

What’s happening?

Tonight mafia are able to kill through heals.

I am creating dialogue.

I don’t think bleeding counts as an attack, also this is pointless arguing about semantics and isn’t going to actually go anywhere.


I think we have already discussed about this?

Yes many times.

Evil you have no right to like that post you’reone of the one arguing about semantics

this is the dumbest thing I have ever seen keep going it’s funny

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I am hoping you become so triggered you reveal your scumminess

I can’t I need my iq for school