[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I think i am objectively the best person to get the hammer, as I am (basically) mechanically confirmed.

A 2nd use of my ability(which is, if you knew what it was, effectively a hunter bear(for both kills and conversions) and can be confirmed if someone wants to.

I mean, it can be leveraged strongly if used right.
actually, although i didn’t realize before, I could win in a 1v1 or a 2v2 against scum.

I am strong lategame. I am basically mechanically confirmed. I have a strong connection which i think could catch two scum at once(and make it so that 3 scum are dead d1)

I want to live, and I want to hammer

I don’t think i can be claimvigged, but i am a high prio nightkill.

It can also be leveraged by other town to actually help themselves too, if it is outed.

It would be useful for chiang’s ability if chiang is real.


More specifically your reachy read on Magnus that relied on pre-flips to work without explaining why Magnus is that alignment in a vacuum.

Set’s basically doing something similar here where he effectivelly claims Solic bussed Kai by not keeping the game-state in mind where Boss would likely have been lynched in his stead.

I don’t like Solic, I think he’s scum, and it would be immensely satisfying for me if/when he flips scum.

Aside from my prior reasoning, that’s about it.

I already had a game (…two games, if we’re being very technical) under my belt, though, STB doesn’t even have that. Half my thought process that game was ‘I wallposted my way into the towncore last time, that should work this time, right?’ and that’s a thought process that only makes sense if you’ve ever, you know, wallposted your way into the towncore.

saying “you know” instead of “y’know” is automatic scumlock for me

/s for the weak

The issue that I have is that I don’t feel that he came to the conclusion naturally and didn’t really re-eval on flips. Like. The thread was basically stagnating on Boss for quite some time now and nobody was paying much attention to Kai while we kind of just start accusing each other as in Ici/Vulgard/Solic and Me/Hippo. For Solic to just bus his Poisoner like this feels completely unnecessary.

There wasn’t much suspicion on Kai as the thread was either focusing on Boss or the active posters were butting head to head with each other.

self-meta, but with reads
doesnt matter much

lol, since when? since you started asserting you get hammer and assuming town went with it?

idk about maxi, but can you be there 20 mins before eod? nah didnt think so.

its not your interactions with boss, the player, that are in question
its your interactions with boss, the lynch, that are scummy, i.e. you pushing for hammer (on the lynch so dont argue that you dont have connections)

nah, mate you have the bad logic here imo. and trust me when i say im a connoisseur in logic 'round here.
not to mention, bad logic on its own is not alignment indicative. you can have really ignorant townies, and really logical mafia. so please dont use this as basis for a scumread, unless its excessive and they dont listen to reason

again, shit logic. why should you be the one to hold the sway? the townie perspective should be to let the town at large hold the sway, as thats objectively more trustworthy than the sway of an unknown individual
and Yes, you are an unknown individual in the eyes of the town. you’ve claimed somethings, and made a couple of reads. thats it. any scum can do that. if you use the “fact” that your town as a defense i will gut you, figuritively

you are not. i know mechanics. and these mechanics do not confirm you. perhaps its not something a scum would do, but that isnt mechanical anymore, thats reads. strictly speaking, fk gained a double vote, and you took credit. nothing in particular says you did it, or that you are town.
trust me, mechanics are literally my jam here.

just flipping claim that it prevents visits.

if its by feedback by the target’s visits being prevented, i highly doubt it. this is using minimal feedback.

sure, but im not too certain you will use it right in these circumstances.

a baseless claim, a falsehood, and another baseless claim.

well boo-flipping-hoo.

i dont know, i know a good bit about your abilities now. were i claimvig i could possibly shoot you now.

honestly, if i steal hammer im this close to straight up shooting marshal right now he has me so annoyed, false prophet of logic that he is.

Plus, the bid for towncred then was not needed. When Solic posted his case on Kai we were starting to TR him again for his interaction with Ici.

And there wasn’t that much suspicion on Kai.

The weak players that everyone was focusing one was Boss/Squid then.

See around these posts.


My responses will be delayed a while, since I actually need to work this class.

alice, i need some outside perspective here, i dont think im seeing clearly on this

whats your take on marshal after these posts?

I could claim exactly what it does, and it would make more sense.

but it ruins the magic a little bit, and i would also be more susceptible to claimvig

It sounds to me like you’re scumreading him because his read on Solic is wrong, which I agree on, but new players having bad reads is NAI at worst. Just because you think it’s obvious that Solic is town doesn’t mean everyone else needs to agree with you.

Kind of thinking Marshal’s probably town for mechanical reasons. Claiming self-resolving as scum is just dumb, tbfh.

it prevents visits on the target. can also target you



quite false.