[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

No it means We are wut

Record scratch

They were mason claims and ginger told me one was greenchecked by dat

I find it funny how Ici pops in only to call Dat’s wall bad and call out his flavorclaim ending with a modkill

I would say it’s a bus if not for the fact Dat had a chance to correct his mistake without Ici doing that

I really don’t think scum would take this angle even when bussing so there’s actually a strong possibility of Ici being town

which is weird as hell

You do realize that I am the reason for dats wagon


Well yes, but a greencheck on one of you makes both town

not giving cred to Hja for starting the Dat wagon is like not giving cred to Solic for starting the Kai wagon

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@Alice N2 you do make a desperado shot without fail. You bought 1 day from Dat’s flip.

the problem with Icibalus being town is that Icibalus is town. That’s the problem.

There’s still too many town reads and there’s not enough poe for wolves to hide in

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oh my god

Alice can never catch a break

well we have two lynches so we can be pretty exploratory today if we want to
my poe is fairly large
though the random claim from ginger makes me think he’s very close to being out of PoE because what the hell
unless ginger and FK are scumbuds which is tinfoil but would be hilarious

that sounds like something I would do in hindsight ngl

Question is, do we maj to get info for deciding the second lynch.

I think that is what we should do

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It’s much easier to also control the second wagon if we majority the first one

I am like 99% sure I am getting killed tonight

I am basically IC

Ginger is going to supposedly heal derp tomorrow so we don’t want him to hammer