[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

chiang who claimed parity cop didn’t get shot over Astand who claimed empowerer which means at least one of these things:

  • empowerer is more of a problem for scum than parity cop
  • astand potentially started to push scum, chiang wasn’t pushing anyone really
  • chiang is possibly scum so they didn’t shoot him over astand

if #3 is true that would explain why chiang didn’t get shot before he could claim his results
that said there is a possibility they can counter chiang so they are not bothered about him at all

#2 looks the most likely to me

4 astand is active player


I don’t think 2 wouldn’t be a factor
leaving active players if they’re pushing the wrong people is good for scum

I doubt scum would be that obvious with their kills tbh

well solic and pkr were the obvious kills and they went for them
i’m inclined to believe they are being obvious, or they’re just doing what is best for them
i’m trying to figure out what it is and i’m thinking astand was starting to shift into scum from town, which was bad for them

he started to shift to universal/andrej/chiang/stb before he got shot

probably above 1 scum among the four in that case

astand voted Universal so Universal is probably the most likely based on that logic
/vote Universal

my poe right now:


fk is still in the poe for reasons i explained before, i can’t really give him enough cred for anything to get him out of the poe. he’s not hja who started the dat wagon and isn’t alice’s slot (now BlueStorm) who basically lynched two scum
since hja and alice’s slot got a lot of towncred in my eyes they’re out of my PoE
chiang/stb/andrej/universal - 1+ scum there based on dat’s flip, spew, and the claimvig, as explained in my previous posts
ici - i honestly still think this is scum because he hasn’t improved and guess who else hasn’t improved under pressure? kai and dat

actually /vote Icibalus i like it better on reevaluation

forgot about ginger
ginger is only scum if he’s scum with fk and fk asked him to lolhardclaim mason
it’s tinfoil but i actually kinda believe in the possibility, that’s why ginger is still there as a tentative slot

I am trying to think if he Legit just opened thread saw astand pushing him And thought it was a Good idea to shoot him

who do you mean by he

He didnt claim mason by neighborhood

i don’t think universal is the claimvig that’d be too obvious


he claimed having a chat with fk at night so i guess i misused the term and they just have a neighborhood

actually scratch that
universal might be the claimvig. since he’d be considered newbscum it makes sense to me he’d shoot his accuser
i don’t think he could’ve shot anyone else previously on his wagon so he took the first opportunity

It sounds bad even for newbie I wouldnt consider it if it didnt happen right when he joined thread

yeah well i think it’s a strong possibility
i want to go choo-choo down the PoE today

with two people clearing themselves and two scum flips it’s becoming way easier

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Was astand rlly being scumread by anyone? He was p clear town after the Alice thing and after Alice left im not at all surprised he got viged