[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I’m going to be honest, I have no bloody idea at this point what we do if Icibalus flips town. Why do you think I was trying to stall the lynch


I’m genuinely unsure man

Like I dunno what she meant by self-resolving, attacking a player that attacks you isn’t self-resolving, none of the abilities are

I can confirm that I didn’t go anywhere last night, as Hippo stated

I just genuinely don’t know what Alice meant by saying her slot was self-resolving unless someone is able to like watch someone visit me to attack me and die

But I don’t think that would be possible because an observer-like class already flipped.

Do you think she meant her second night Ability


it’s so simple

I’m going to let blue answer this and then I figured it out

Possibly? But only under specific circumstances. Again, people dying does not a self-resolving slot make.

She meant self resolving as in attacking the scum who attacks her

Like I dunno. I personally don’t view it as self-resolving.

She didn’t want to claim the person she was attacking

I already said that


What are you looking for in the term “self-resolving”? Because I thought we were talking about an ability that out-and-out proves what I do and what alignment I would be.

That’s how I view the term “self-resolving”.

Alice made a gambit for scum to attack her, and then she wanted to claim the kill.

She lied about wanting to bait the claim vigilante, she lied about pretty much everything because she meant self resolving as in shooting the person who attacks her

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Somewhere I said something like ”the only thing I could see is that She would Expect scum to attack her And then claim vig on them but that would mean that She gets mislynched if She doesnt wich is a gamble And doesnt sound something that alice would do”

I mean I suppose that would be self-resolving? I already stated that one ability works like the Hunter.

I don’t remember where you said that but it seems like the only plausible theory

This game actually makes a lot more sense that way

I get where Alice was going but claiming desperado is not the right way to PGO a scum lmfao