[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

He said there might be conversion

He said blue wasn’t converted N1 and marshal wasn’t converted N2

Yes but Thats not his ability

the thing is
we need to decide if we’re going to assume there’s conversion or not because that’s going to drastically change our considered lynches.
in fact fk if we assume conversion is a thing you’re the prime lynch target since i don’t think scum wouldn’t convert you

It is, he told us in the chat

He said that his ability is pretty weak And not weak if there are converts

If there was conversion I wouldn’t be pointing this out, it makes zero sense because then we would have converted townie people by now.

I want to say something but then all the work I have done would be useless.

are you in a chat with him speaking with him right now

and if there isn’t conversion you’re opposed to the plan because it screws over your team
might be a lose-lose situation for you

He said that in thread


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@SirDerpsAlot hello

i’m honestly confused about this whole conversion thing
so derps was told something along the lines of ‘your ability might have a stronger effect if there’s conversion but if there isn’t it’s weaker’ right?
that doesn’t prove if there’s conversion one way or the other

it makes zero sense for him to have it if it wasn’t converison
two who could be the scum team if there ain’t conversion.

Fk knows what the abiltiy is

I came back here with no context. I’m really confused

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Hja or hippo, since you claim mason, which one of you should join the circle tonight?

Hjaisk I know what the Ability is

I’m telling you that’s never an Ability if there isn’t converison
