[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

inb4 ‘no way we’re entrusting you with a plan when we’re scumreading you / you lynched town this game’
that’s why i gave you room to argue and you didn’t meaning there were no flaws
eh, i’ll stop. not like i can retroactively reverse the choice that was made.

/vote Arete here for now but i’ll probably unvote this since i’d like to actually hammer scum.

i’m trying to do something and derps blatantly ignoring my post i put a lot of effort into just makes me feel ignored
sorry if i come across as unnecessarily angry that’s kinda stupid ngl

I couldn’t say anything cause I was asleep. Unless if I can sleep type, there’s not much else I could do
/vote Arete

/vote Blue

I’ve explained my reasons already, do I need to explain them again or are you all going to actually, you know, notice that his play makes zero sense from a townie?


but Hja, we had a deal

A terrible deal, but you are right

I mean, Hja gets a whole minecraft server.

That sounds amazing. Make it a RL modded server that would be even more amazing.

Now then, I think there are three people right now that seem ‘suitable’ to vote.

Andrej for inactivity
And then the Blue vs Arete duel.

I think I will wait for Hja’s vote though.

I have a different idea.
We know scum 100% have a roleblocker

I think blue was occed by scumblocker. And I think that scumblocker was andrej.

Andrej is scum to me. With the weird fucking play of the wolf team, and the overall slanky play.

I think arete bleeds out tonight, regardless of alignment. If not, an aretelynch seems more than fine.

But right now, there is no way andrej can be town here.

/vote andrej

It makes a ton of sense.
Andrej is scumblocker
Blocked blue
Blue didnt get to shoot arete
Arete was not healed.

Why are you trusting Blue so much?

Andrej scumblocking blue spews blue town.

It makes no real impact on your alignment,

Counterpoint: since Blue is scum, he could just be lying about his night action.

Yeah, but I really doubt a blue/andrej team.

I don’t think blue would lie like that.

I’m off. But everyone should think about it.

There is like no way andrej is town here

That sounds easily argued if someone uses their ability right. I would say the only reason someone would claim that is if it was a reaction test, but then blue left for a while. Not taking it back or justifying themselves mean they dont feel guilty or wrong.

So…blue meant to kill you. You didn’t die. Why would scum admit to killing someone openly?

Or attempting to kill someone anyway

Because apparently getting shot is suspicious now for some reason, I guess? Why would town shoot the person who’s dying to bleed anyway?

I think you are tunneling andrej for reasons wich are part of his town meta (those are thought nai)

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Why do you think blue would claim vig on you when he failed FC kill on you

I’m not totally sure, he might’ve been trying to bait out protectives but it’s also possible he never tried to kill me in the first place, he was just hoping to take the person pushing him down with him.