[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

hja hammers arete always

Like arete

Do you know how bad it looks to say my claim is partly confirmable and THEN reveal mechanical evidence as well

actually we’re in helm’s deep i want hammer too

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vulgard what’s your opinion on this

i’m reading arete’s iso rn to find other stuff

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Wait arete you messed up

Why would tele say that to you if they could just tell solic that you exist

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He should have released his reasoning that was shared by the dead and when people asked him where he got the info, he can say a secret source and if it got too much suspicion on him, then he reveals ability

anticipating a wonderful wall, a wonderwall if you will

Tele’s message, paraphrased:
-she apologized for getting herself killed by being scummy, which I thought was really sad :frowning:
-There’s someone else who can speak to the dead but she doesn’t want to say so because I might be scum
-but also she trusts me a lot more now that she’s been linked, she had apparently convinced herself between getting vigged and my link that I was scum, she compared it to CoC
-Tele was scumreading Hja for stealing the hammer, she said I was relying too much on meta-reads (not going to lie I ignored that read because it was dumb)
-She was townreading Alice and Vul at that point based on … something to do with Vul’s behavior in CoC, I think maybe to do with the Mystic linking thing? she was kind of vague on that
-She was scumreading a bunch of the inactives but didn’t really say why
-PKR was apparently whining in dead chat about how Magnus had a dayvig blocking ability and didn’t even bother to use it
-and there’s the meme thing PKR gave as a signal

Solic’s message:
-Mentions the scumslip by Kai, he spent kind of a ridiculously long time talking about it given limited characters. Apparently Kai then defended himself by saying he was high???
-Tells me about the use of his abilities
-He wanted me to push for a protective map because people keep dying
-He had confident townreads on Hja, Hippo, and Derps, basically didn’t want any of them lynched ever unless there’s conversion
-He wanted me to use my second night ability tomorrow night (yes, he had a specific way in which he wanted me to use it)

i’ve been reading arete’s d3 posts and honestly with the assumption they have dead info about bluestorm being scum, these posts make sense to me. especially the fact they just tunnel blue immediately at sod

i guess it was supposed to be an additional confirmation in case solic died and couldn’t relay it?

I think because of the risk that Solic would die or be converted?

this was supposed to say ‘who’ not ‘so’

I believe him

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was she talking about solic or someone else

That sole thing makes be believe you lmao

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I’m legitimately confused about what the problem is here

I was thinking of it like in FoL 22, when I pushed on Alice but didn’t say that I’d gotten a check on her (that’s part of how we were able to catch Baz)

Why didn’t you just say this earlier

instead of making us all lose our minds at looking at both of you arguing

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I’m assuming Solic, I don’t see who else it could be.


I believe you

I also think you spent way too much time trying to hide it

So is the poison/bleed claim true?

If so, @Emilia does hippo still get the cookie or do we change things up?

Hippo still gets cookie