[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

I do want to badmouth someone who got replaced, Alice got replaced for being toxic as hell and I don’t want that to become seen as acceptable or a decent strategy. Screw that.



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discussing replacements is forbidden

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By the way Vulgard do you want to take part in my ultra top secret not so secret plan to make people better here

i would be down
i’m bad but i would still be down

I can teach people How to play as scum

don’t worry everyone’s bad at forum mafia just some people are able to hide it better then others


Alice legit didn’t visit anyone N1 tho so legit idk what thats about


@Vulgard do you have a nintendo switch

that’s my explanation

no and i probably never will

dammit I don’t have an excuse to show you the Undertale trailer for the switch then

Show it anyway @Kirefitten

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I just realized How maxi was trying to get Hammer on town And I just stole it last sec lol

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I mean we arent 100% its them 2 but it prolly is

I legit said early D1 that alice was townreading max for no reason lol

I say Hacks