[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Anyways I’m going to bed

Did you just

did you just

mention Minecraft?



You mentioned it too, you committed your own sin you failed

Hence the suicide

Anyways I’m going to sleep now

Was I the one who mentioned it first?


But I would

Town vig vig Max if you’re gonna vig

Let’s litwrally just chill out and meme together

We have a scum

We can dance and celebrate in their suffering while we wait for inactives to do something hopefully

We know sulit is replacing in anyways

Derps seems quite desperate tho

Like, I get the impatience. But hammering while people are asleep is a little…

wait did hip scumread me?
i dont remember him doing that.
could you quote it please?

I said the the morning

Hippo fucking hates you lmao


im off

Aight if you say so

Nighty night.

bruh im so unmotivated to play this now

y’all didn’t even vote bree like seriously

btw if i activate my hammer passive it grants me a vig so ping me if u want me to be a hammerer

You didn’t push for it, so…