[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Can we use Rohan the next day so we can get information from wagons today? We should do Bree because then it denies mafia the chance to get rid of someone who would advocate for their death in the two lynches next day

Something tells me evilginger isnt looking for lost wolves lol

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Solic probs. His play reminds me way too much Ritual Mafia 3 for my liking as he has no focus and none of the shit he’s been posting makes sense at all. His comment on why he’s hiding his townreads look like a terrible-ass excuse not to make one as there’s very unlikely to have conversion here.

Vulgaíd Mega-Isolatíon


Great start IMO. Here we have solvey vul with good conculsions. I like the enterance

Kinda wierd progeression, but it is, after all, early game.

Good point

More and more townie enterance. Me likey much.

Encouraging reads, townie to me. IDC what people say about it being NAI, it’s a town thang to me.

More solvey-ness. Really liking vulgard here.

Things kinda take a turn here.(also this wasnt a scumslip)

Starting to have a drop in solveyness.

It picks back up here. Reminded by a scumchat bud, maybe?

After the drop off in talk quality, vul has been picking it back up.

Alright Vul is looking townie here, I like it.

Good reasoning, weird explination

There were a few more quotes before this too, but vul seems very anti-mount doom now.

Starting to give some good breasoning(get it?!). Me likey

More good stuffff.

An actual read on an actual player. I want more of this.

There was another post where he thought ginger was neut. Huh.

Dafuq is this. why the fuck is this.

Reaches out to astand, gets hostility, returns calmly. Great look IMO.

We share similar andrej feelings.

I disagreed here. I wanted reasoning because I sorta disagree.

I Kiiiiiinda get it but still dislike the reasoning.

Dont like that attitude. :unamused:

Here we see the Mordor reasoning come out. I like mordor, but not this reason in particular

A better reason, yes.

I do like this reasoning more. I would like this early game(especially for hippo vigshot)

More helpful Vul, which I really do like.

I actually disagree here. @Vulgard please give reasoning for this.

He gives an honestly good response. I guess we will have to wait and see how he progresses in the lynch phase.

Conculsion: Vulgard is a Fairly strong townlean
Free of AtE, full of good discussion, decent progression, and fits in with the only vul meta that I know. I actually hadn’t read Vul’s earlier posts(and encourage others to do so) but it seems town to me.


Magnus is basically the world’s easiest metaread in most games, we should honestly have a pretty good grasp of his alignment by the end of today. The only reason he’s constantly getting mislynched is that no one actually bothers to look at his meta, they just see ‘oh, Magnus is acting scummy’ when his town meta is super scummy.

Have you actually been in a game with him as scum

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This is weird


But i have been in(at least I think) A towngame with vul and I trust vul.

I don’t get how your position is changing between every 3 posts of this

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I’m still debating on who is going to help me help town win.

I have a very stupid read on Vulgard/Marshall that may make them both town.

Evil who do u shoot if i give u a gun now

Legal read at least?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to save Bree for what would otherwise be effectively a MyLo scenario, to turn it into not that?

I treat every iso seperately. Kinda just throwing thoughts out there.

It’s obviously not the best, but has given me preeeety good insight

Yeah, but it may out them as important PRs if I’m right.

I have a very very stupid read that makes marshal town as well but I don’t know if I should say it as it could hurt his feelings

Is it calling me dumb or my playstlye bad.

Because if so, feel free to throw it out there.

Im used to it

oh so it’s that stupid

interesting move, let’s say how that plays out for cotton

Delet this

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