[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Or it’s tvt.

But that’s like a 5% chance imo

Who we lynch if game doesn’t end and he is scum

Depends on what happens tonight.

What’s the general plan

Their isn’t it’s legit all dependent on what I find tonight

And who dies

Eg. if no one does we look at who was occed.

I am asking what is our readlist

Pretty much everyone left but like Marshal is town read

And marshal isn’t exactly scum read just a weaker read

Wait wtf

And I, the one pushing this harder than anyone, who said to go for blizer and not squid, is scum if blizer flips scum

That’s op

That’s what fk said
And no one listened

okay so what contingency plan are we going for if lynching blizer doesn’t end the game

‘every man for himself’ night actions or do we want something fairly structured

Full chaos

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i feel like scum could take advantage of the structure unless there are no holes in the structure
i’ve been looking for holes in the mirkwood plan and there actually aren’t that many.

Mirkwood counter is that no one will take it cuz everyone will complain about people not poisoning themself

I’m off

so we’re actually relying on luck to maybe nail or find a scum at night?