[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Also I’m back I thought I had to go but I did not

Why didn’t you say you were both in the first place?

Id love to see who vul visited last night

I’m down

that said you should keep one thing in mind
scum basically gets a free kill if we choose this map

/vote Lothlorien

w aaa a it

We have redirectors and occers.

you didn’t read the map did you

Hij u know whats gonna happen if u dont fucking do it

Because we were not having a claimfest and it was unnecessary at the time

I don’t even remember claiming occupier

I just said I can rb people

no u

Ur forcing my hand here

u keep threatening it but you never follow through

/vote lolrothian
lets see who vul visited


Oh, either way itll catch Vul as conf scum, so I think its worth it

mafia getting additional FK

U know whatll happen if i say it

this be big dumb