assuming i’m scum
what the hell did I even do with all these town hammers
enlighten me
mind telling me why
who tf knows
how am i supposed to know.
let’s look at the other scum hammers
Were finding out who u visited now so it doesnt matter
it does matter
trust me
everyone vote vul!
Wtf why were seeing who he visits
Fine lets see who marshal visited and see if he really didnt vote anyone then
Derps u scum lol
yes please quickhammer me instead of trying to gather spew if i’m scum or find actual scum if i’m town
likely an extra use of whatever scum abil you have.
Asking ppl to vote vul when we are in the middle of confirming him is so scummy lmao
do you agree with that vul
trying to see things from your perspective and i would never quickhammer
Should we track Marshal then
now do you see why i think he’s trying to thunderdome me because i caught his ass
Hippo you understand we vote to see who to track yeah
Yeah i think its likely but im just waiting to see who u visited theres no point discussing it now
I am fine with being tracked, but the whole reason we did this track thing is to see if vul is legit