[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Frodo of course

Oh yeah that makes sense


we thought it was simon.

so we killed him

we weren’t entirely wrong

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@PoisonedSquid you owe Eevee 10$, thanks

Well that’s rude

Can dead chat be opened to the public?

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no, We banished you from it

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I want to see how pissed they were with your fakeclaim

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Honestly I’m just glad this game is over

Was sean bean’s character in this game

How many people were converted

Incredibly solid mafia play from STB, Marshal, and Arete.
Rip Solic

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TFW we tried to kill three people N2

and none of them were dead the next day

Who seriously would believe that I would put a class which can send message to dead people when someone who flipped had complete access to dead chat :man_facepalming:


Just one, the conversion ability only worked upon Vul’s death

Im shocked vul got hammer thrice.

that was crazy

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also, no correct lynches except for vul, which we were okay with

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Town MVP: @Solic

Basically scumread the entire team and would have won town the game if he wasn’t nightkilled.

Scum MVP: @Vulgard

Literally scumslipped and somehow weaseled out of it, played until endgame and won the game.


Vul’s play was also really good here