[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

People who don’t vote with no plurality are wolfy as fuck by default.

In fact majority only incentifies voting what was top wagon anyway without a chance of wagons shifting or making cfd and getting info that way.

I have arrived.

Time to read the maps, which I should’ve done before the game started tbh. In my defense, it started when I was asleep.

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Opening with a video scum spotted

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With plurality* I meant.

Oh you’re already defending yourself. :eyes:


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Can I choose Who you tunnel

Yea, that doesn’t really matter when lazy town exists. This is literally how I won Random Rolemadness 3.

I can see the argument, but the double heal is also nice.

And also stronger later in the game for obvious reasons.

If you want information, vote for Mount Doom.

I don’t think it’s stronger lategame…?? It’s equally powerful depending on how many healers die throughout the game.


Being told “do this or your wolf” doesn’t really help town but whatever.

/ vote mountdoom

I meant voting in regards to lynch there.


What reason is that?

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Because it allows to cover more percentage of remaining town players.

If you don’t start tunneling someone it might be you. Enough with that passive act. :eyes:

it’s unfun, unbalanced and swingy, in short


No, it doesn’t, cause worlds exist where more healers die early game.

Map Voters Count
Mount Doom Icibalus, Hippolytus, astand, H_Hja, Evil_Ginger 5
The Shire Solic 1

@Evil_Ginger please bold your votes by putting two asterisks either side of your vote.

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Mashes aren’t fun if you disincentivise the vigges from making hero shots, it’s unbalanced when you tie something extra to a vigilante hitting somebody of the same allignment, and it’s very hard to predict the impact of guilt in large games due to the greater complexity of interactions.