[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

whats Mylo

You will be healed tonight. So basically you get a heal effect. Doesn’t make you unhealable.

I meant unkillable lol.

The reason everyone gets destroyed here and tries to lurk is because they don’t try to FAIL enough times. You don’t get good at something without failing at it a couple times.

Then there’s the people who do try but don’t know where to get a good grip at the game. For example squid. They try decently but they don’t have a good grasp on how to accomplish scumreading.

Gods are only gods because they are given the title of god. You know what divides people from Alice and Wazza, it’s the fact that Alice seems to try while Wazza accepts the fact that they aren’t good enough at mafia to be like Alice. It’s the fact that he’s also predictable, he shows up to the same game, does the same stuff depending on his own alignment, and then scumreads people for scumreading him. Y’all are too focused on meta that you can’t read alice.

Alice is extremely consistent when trying to read people regardless of alignment. They think through their post and make sure it’s perfect before they post, that’s why meta consistently fails against her. But the fact is the only way to counter that is to try something new.

Look at my play style. I’m extremely unpredictable when I’m doing stuff. The reason I am is because being unpredictable causes people to make mistakes and allows me to read into those mistakes. Meta fails against me a lot because I act a lot different compared to my mood. If you look at me right now, it would appear that I’m trolling when I’m actually doing stuff to see what happens and then my head analyses it (but unfortunatly makes it hard to put into words sometimes because I get easily distracted)

What I’m basically trying to say is that half of you don’t even understand the greatness of forum mafia. There are other ways to go about reading people rather then just trying to rely on meta. Meta only works if you use it against people who are consistent, and that’s why most of the forum here gets meta read super easily because they never try something different.

I don’t even remember the point of this post I just hate how people think someone is unreadable based on the fact that they act similar to their alignment as both town and scum. You consider good players good based on the fact that they catch a lot of scum and then you separate people into tiered based off that and think it’s impossible to move up. I literally started when I played forum mafia as a person who trolled everyone and didn’t try that much and was considered one of the worst forum players here, but when I started trying I got to be considered a “good player”


Misynch-and-lose, basically the point in the game where town can still no-lynch and potentially win but if they lynch a townie then scum gets a nightkill and town loses.

Yes… It does.
Read the other ability for Rivendell ffs.

I am fine with doing Rivendell

Cult in the jungle was literally my first ever forum game, Vulgard. It’s insulting you think I wouldn’t even change a little bit. In fact I have reread my posts there for nostalgia’s sake sometimes and it’s completely different now.

It’s hard to know exactly when Mylo is in a rolemadness game but we can be pretty confident that D1 isn’t it.

FK wallposting= lockscum

Then you’ll have no problem with me having “tunnel vision” even though I just examined like 10 players in depth.

it’s called me being emotional since I’m a teenager and getting angry for I don’t even know what reason lmao

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I just want to redirect your tunnel vision

Healing can’t be bypassed and you get healed.
Basically the same thing happens if you get healed at night by a town-aligned healer.
I don’t want to let you hammer because there’s still the off-chance you’re scum and you already benefit from today’s map choice. However if you revive the lynched player tonight (assuming the lynched player is town), you’re 100% clear to hammer tomorrow since we’re picking Rohan for that day.

There’s another reason I need to be hammerer but y’know you do you boo.

Also how do we know there’s a second healer? I’m one of them.

You are doing same thing you did in that other game as scum Where you distract people from game by Flooding thread with off topic things

/Vote Rivendell

I have also literally lost all interest in the “location phase”, which I now will maintain is a horrible mechanic (sorry Luxy, I’m sure the rest is great). Didn’t play in OFWM, so never experienced it.

Going to bed now and I’ll see how Marshal has flailed tomorrow. :upside_down_face:

I have changed my mind before Marshal, I’m sure you can do it

Listen. Please don’t give me that. I haven’t been here for a year and I can’t be expected to know who changed their playstyle and who didn’t.

You changed your playstyle? Fine. I’m still scumreading you right now. If you’re town I’ll hopefully come around to townreading you.

Move on.

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/Vote Rivendell