[FM] Lord of the Rings Forum Mafia - (7/25) - Completed - Mafia Wins!

Also I lost my FM mojo and soon imma go on a quest back to the 60s to get it back.

you have your 50 alts how could you lose your mojo

No ones immune to lynch. A couple of outspoken convincing ppl can get anyone lynched imo, and thats how it shld be.

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but Hippo, I don’t know how to write any other posts

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But marshall was the only one who agreed with me HE cAnt bE ScUM

Do you think i’ve been pocketing you

Which is why we save it until later.
Rivendell is better for N1.

Or maybe I’m trying to get associations between you and Boss considering that I’m suspicious of both of you? The fact that you’ve basically declined to give a straightforward read on him by claiming he has only 14 posts bodes very poorly for you.

Aw guys i rlly think max is scum.

Double ?? is scummy change my mind

No do not waste that map just yet. Wait, dont waste it at all. Wait for me.

i mean denying mafia early killpower is really good

…When you phrase it like that you make it sound like I’m lying about his post count, you can check for yourself if you don’t believe me.

So GTH, what exactly is Boss’ alignment?

You only remarked about his post count rather than the content of his posts. That’s pretty much why I’m absolutely hating your interaction with him.


(shorter acronym form of “the fact that you know your role is not admissible evidence.” this stands for “your role is not evidence” which isnt exactly the meaning but hey WIFOM works so whynaut?)

Then start providing content?

What would you prefer?! Me dying N1? :expressionless:

I dont like this tho seems too trying to seem townie imo.

That can be arranged btw

…oh yeah.