[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

No, 3 total, presumably 1 for each

This message made my migraine come back.


Once again, scum could have an example town card, so I donā€™t think that proves anything


If thatā€™s the case then we can confirm you as good right now.
If youā€™re a vendor claim please

Yeah I didnā€™t think of that

Is literally outed:

Youā€™re claiming vendor?

I am not a vendor

Waz, did you just claim vendor or did you claim vendor before?

Derp itā€™s a thunderdome between me and you Iā€™d like your claim please

ā€¦ā€¦. Do you even know what a thunderdome is?

When itā€™s between some people for lynching, yeah.
ā€œBut itā€™s not a thunderdome right now!ā€ you say but thatā€™s wrong cuz Iā€™m good and if itā€™s not me itā€™s probably him

Squid youā€™re not a vendor, right?

Literally none of these.

I claimed my class ages ago and thatā€™s the reason I helped get Dat killed.

If Iā€™m a vendor, I would have said it by now :woman_facepalming:

I missed that too my bad

Thunderdome means:

  • When two players contradict each other and one must be lynched as one of them are definitely scum.
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Yeah but it is you for lynching, so itā€™s not a thunderdome
A thunderdome implies thereā€™s a decision town could make, that could swing either way
Your consensus scum. It can only swing one way

Oh I didnā€™t remember the contradiction part. Iā€™m thinking of PoE then

Iā€™m not claiming my full role but Iā€™m an invest type role