[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

first, just do your iso. im telling you roughly what you’d find, but like do it and see if it disagrees or not.

here i said that i did some light pushes
but that my votes were on point to make up for lack of content and said light pushes

here you seemed to think that i said good pushes. i assumed you were confused by the last bit, and thought i was saying i had good pushes (i was not)

in this post i clarified that i didnt mean to say that i had some good pushes, just that i had some, and in particular cleared up that i meant my votes were good, not necessarily my pushes

here i thought you were still confused on the subject, and so i responded by summarizing what i said previously

here i thought you were somehow still confused on the issue, but on the right way, so i directed that you were on the right path kinda by responding:

but here we are now, and i think ive figured out the root of your confusion, so i did this to help clear it up

I don’t want a wall simon. Yes or no were they pushes

derps read the wall. it is all explained.
literally the only point of the wall is to help clear up confusion.
i will not answer further questions on the subject unless youve read it and are still confused

Simon give me a yes or no answer. Yes. No.

derps, read the wall.

No. I want a one word answer. Yes they were, or no they were not.

and i am refusing to give you a one word answer

because that is an extremely vague question.
i made my thought process clear and explainable there,
and i feel that no matter which way i answer here it may be twisted against me.
and so i gave a more complex answer that can be easier defended and explained

You gave a more complex answer because that’s easier to twist in both directions. I want you to answer we’re they pushes or not. Clear answer

and it is answered conclusively there.
if you havent even read it i will continue to refuse to answer

I have and it’s really not. I want a yes or no.

ok fine, clarify the question then.
were what pushes.

The. You proceeded to say not necessarily pushes. So I want to know are they pushes or not

that is explained within the wall you didnt read it.
i literally explain that exact issue

Simon give me a fucking yes or no

Oh my god, this conversation is heavily unnecessary. Derps, just read the wallpost and think real hard on it. Use your brain like a computer and go detailed into that because all you’re doing right now is wasting your posts by going “No” or “That’s not the answer I want”

I don’t know what kind of pushes you’re talking about, but you don’t need a simple yes or no answer. Just stick with what you got and move on

derps, actually read the flipping wall or just do the iso and decide for yourself

im done dealing with this question

No I want a straight yes or no answer from Simon.

He has both said they were light pushes and not really pushes.