[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

What did your role do?

Sheep me and you canā€™t kill me

Any chance weā€™ll ever get LM2?

Whatā€™s that?

Luigiā€™s Mansion FM 2


This read was actually good

should I just sheep Geyde every match


this part in thread was wack

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U should do it @Kirefitten
To commemorate the release of Luigiā€™s Mansion 3

Would you mind elaborating?


sorry again dat


In SFoL 53: Syndicate was ridiculously overpowered and my play was so utterly trash that I deserved to be tunneled to hell.
In SFoL 56, you had Isaac.
In this game, you forgot to out to me when I said your N1 feedback which was an honest mistake, and then I got completely bamboozled with my night 2 feedback and then got modkilled. If I wasnā€™t modkilled town might have won but then again maybe not since I was so fooled on Astand.


iā€™m just screaming donā€™t mind me

Part of the reason I hurried to deflect to Nerbins.

Some of you already got some information mid-game about how theirs actions couldā€™ve been improved.

So I would like to ask you general questions first.

Wallposts or a lot of short iddle chatter posts? Pros and cons of both?
Proxy votes, lack of pressure tool or trap for scum?

Also, did double-edged or deeper roles which were in this game actually made you think more about your actions?

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Iā€™ve just realized I think I was the only person alive who still wanted to lynch astand until almost the very end of the game.


to be entirely fair
4 town kp went on town

Difficult to say, as only D1 had meaningful wagons, but whatā€™s true is that I personally underestimated how many people were voting PKR.

So me being on Nerbins wagon was meaningless and looked bad.

I feel like wallposts help make my thoughts more coherent but donā€™t make my reads on people better by any means. Besides, they require effort and they are a problem if I want to interact with someone (because lolpostrestrictions). So in the end, wallposts bad I think.

Proxy votes are an interesting case; I honestly donā€™t know if theyā€™re good for town or not. Iā€™m leaning toward ā€˜bad for townā€™ because they mean we can only do VCA after a lynch. On the other hand though, we canā€™t get paranoid over VCA until lynch.
I think theyā€™re detrimental to town but not as much as the wallpost-centric PR thing.

The roles in this game were very interesting. Did my role make me think more about my actions? My role confused me and I had no idea what to do with it, clearly. Iā€™m just bad at mechanics, so I suppose it wouldā€™ve been the same no matter which role I got.