[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

I have a gun but I don’t think Eevee will let me use it

it’s almost as if i did the exact same thing in sfol00

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and then myslynched a town off of it

i’m sorry that souls an idiot

it distracted me from actually being right about luxy :frowning:

but it’s time to


just get to it kai.

I get you are a theater kid but cut the theatrics

no fuck you im having a jazzy ass intro

But the jist is

you are scum, convince me that your town or get me mislynched.

ponder yoir options

Do you have anything mechanical or is this just reads :unamused:

because if it’s just reads, it’s not really a thunderdome. This feels like you are forcing to change my reads or i get fucked.

hwich isn’t very townie

it’s day fucking one

expect to receive the kai tunnel until you convince me your town or i get bored of it

also nice shade and misrep, i’m asking for you to mislynch me or convince me your town

I misread options as opinions but ah well

That something refers to the fact that I have to waste a post on this. I don’t know what your post restriction is, but I cannot afford putting out posts like this to stop people from posting and triggering their shit. I’ve seen many instances of their post restriction, and since much of that are all about votes… I’ll assume everyone is probably unable to vote once their restriction is passed.

Like, a vote is a vote, we don’t know what scum can do, or how many there are. The more you waste your posts, the less things you can generate. And losing a vote is arguably gamethrowing.

Wait, are you scum? Oh go on, and well there he goes… shooting his gun without me reading further into Marsh…

C’mon, I don’t want another game where people fly off their donkeys and grief another server before I get to evaluate whether I can.

That reaction test got me. But with the limited amounts of posts, and I mean super limited, because I want my vote to count. I’m very not happy with Kai right now.

Now you’re making me think Kai was doing that to fish roles as a claim vig. Now, put that gun in the pocket, and instead go and serve wine to someone else.

Kai, please answer my following questions.
What reactions were you hoping to get?
Obv it was aimed at Marsh…
What did you get from this? What reads? Spell it out.

Already 7th post… >_>

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Not a Wall I Swear

So catching up, and I noticed two people scumreading/shading PKR for saying pr. When I think he means post restriction and from how I read their statements it seems like they are thinking power role. Thats a problem with acronyms so I want to ask the three of them to make sure Im reading this right, and dont worry I know we all have post restrictions so when you guys do your next post I want to ask, What did you all mean by PR in these three posts @PokemonKidRyan , @Simon , @katze

I never understood the logic of not looking at your card before posting, your actively hurting yourself if you dont. Gut says bad.

I want to say I disagree with this post, since we shouldnt hide information, but im so baffled on how stating votes work with

cause it says saying that is legal, but it also punishes. But we need to convince others without votes. Cause punishments. So I think by this post we cant state it at all, but I feel like then we are so much more uncoordinated, which is eactly what we dont want


interesting that he doesnt immediatly do the read on the person that wants him dead so much. Gonna look forward to this post tomorrow

from my knowledge he does both iirc. But its been so long and I cant really pin point a simon scum game to make comparisons to

Hey @anon97870008 trying to understand your post some more, what do all the numbers next to the names mean?


Merc… :^)

I agree and then I look at Marshal who is the one blacksheep who doesnt have a post restriction. Now i think for the most part this makes sense, but Marshals non post restriction class confuses me, unless there are others like him.

Again someone who is sring him for that. Im pretty sure he meant post restriction

Honestly dont like this interaction with Marshal. He did something obviously wrong (basically a Meteoro I have a redcheck on you, or HTM why are you scum) and wasted people who have post restriction (or at least imma assume they do, cause everyone else but Marshal claimed they did) posts by saying oh its a reaction test, and the most he was going to get was

like i dont see anywhere a player would fall for this and give you a scumslip honestly. Not liking this interaction.

god damn it. Most of it was boring af, sorry but walls are slowly killing my mood as i make one myself

I really like this post into the trs for you

I didnt get to do half the work this is taking to long

Nah I would rather be fully informed

Im proud of ya :slight_smile:

can you further elaborate on who you think is sheeping

I hate this

Honestly theres been so much discussion on it, but honestly everyones pretty much said this has been TvS. I would love for people to reread it now and see if their opinions have changed. Atm I think im the same situation as you, where they both have been scummy and both have been town in other aspects, and I havent placed one into either scum or town yet.

Now for the rest of this mega post. Im not ready… Imma give it a rest for now… I have work due in a hour and a half that I ahve put off due to this.

Eevee won’t let me use my gun

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hue hue hue

predictability is so lifeless

this game was boring so I’d figure i’d spice it up

your prob right i should have but i want to use my posts as best as I can, and if that means replying to like 30 messages at once its prob better. I say that as I make an individual response lol

You have 50 posts dat, please don’t be that scared to use them

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lol nice 3 liner