[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

screams internally

I accept that I donā€™t understand how Priestess works


The things Disq and I got correct I think we were absolutely more likely to be correct about because we were working together

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Moral of the story is:
if you let someone else influence your reads and make them worse, itā€™s your own fault.

I pointed Luxy in the right direction most of the time and then they just solved for me tbh

Thatā€™s true Arete.
But if I donā€™t trust the other person to have better reads than I, I ignore their reads if they are confirmed town.
I wasnā€™t trusting PKRs reads.

You donā€™t have to sheep their reads but you shouldnā€™t just ignore them

Ever heard of this @anon97870008

Imagine this person as a mafia person. They are the most accurate person in the world, they always get their reads right. However no one ever listens to them:

They are an awful player then. Being right is half the battle, and 50% is still a failing grade. You need to convince others that their reads are wrong if you are town and think their reads are wrong and by doing this you need to interact with their reads

If my experience with Discord BotC has taught me anything itā€™s that having a pool of townies who trust each other and can pool intellectual resources is absolutely gamebreaking

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Try to stop others from being confbiased. Itā€™s almost impossible. I try tho

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Dats gameplan in a nutshell. A story of self pity and anxiety
  • Be Dat
  • Have had like 4 scum games in a row
  • Join because I want to get better
  • Get anxiety when I roll scum
  • Get worse anxiety when I realize Iā€™m in a hydra so someoneā€™s game relies on mine
  • Get worse anxiety when its three other people not one
  • Shrivel in the corner cause now I have a 50 post limit and cant do what people townread me for and post a shit ton
  • Physically die inside when you lose all Wim from about 200 wallposts
  • Emotionally die when u do wallposts to catchup and get called out.
  • Dont post because u cant think of what to say plus anxiety plus school
  • D4 try ur best but itā€™s to little to late. Also claim three like 3 different roles in any effort to live
  • Get carried by Astand
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And the pitfall of
ā€œAre u discrediting meā€ is real too. One must be careful not to be scumread.

Also D4 me: Fuck, lets attempt to push
Ducks up



I do that when I trust that person. Like I did with Queen Tele.

you are right itā€™s hard to change someone whoā€™s confirmation bias

insert laugh track


When a man goes into that town core

Im just waiting for a Vul/Shuri hydra

I really want to play mafia again after that

I mean Teleā€™s reads were as point of fact incorrect

It kind of sounds like your trust of peopleā€™s reads to be correct is more based on personal like or dislike


Well in case of PKR it was both.