[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Don’t you mean received?

yes i just cant spell.

also @Ami How did you vote when you “failed your post restriction”

I made an iso(without being able to quote) on arete/disq and also alice/jake.

Arete/disquieted is defenitely scum with preistesskidryan here. There are a few reasons, but the first one im gonna focus is:

If that’s what I’ve been softing then somehow I’m not doing it right. I think what I am and what I did will be obvious to your slot tonight and I have been saying this whole time I’ll be confirmed/semi-confirmed so I’m locking in to claiming my role here (What I did in LOTR FM but less bad) since it’s not a public hardclaim d1

This post from PKR to Arete. He is claiming he will resolve to arete here, and now that we know he cant, this looks reaaaaaaly bad to arete.

Now for the areteISO

Priestess/PKR is a townlean for the moment, I’m liking Priestess’s spicy anti-consensus read on the Marshal reactiontest; it feels town-motivated because as scum she … it’s complicated but she doesn’t like to call attention to herself in this specific way.

i would like arete to explain this more, because this reasoning is pretty shite and i am not a fan.

ah yes… agreeing with me earlier and then uniting ith peristess for similar reasons against me and defending jgoes.

Anyone else notice how Marshal is scumreading anyone who accuses him or defends Jgoes, regardless of reasoning? It’s … shady, to say the least.

On a point i made against the PKR/Preistess slot. Also funny how preistess and arete both used “Omgus” a large amount to discredit me. hmmmmm.

We believe your conflicting reads were a result of fake reads being discussed in scumchat, and therefore, you forgot to make sure they were aligned as you forgot you were a hydra (because there is more than one other person in that chat, whereas there is only Geyde and I in ours). To us, we have been discussing each post in depth in order to make a conclusion and compiling that so we saw it as especially bad that your posts opinions did not mirror one anothers.

This read is reachy as all heck. It basically feels like you decided you wanted to scumread Priestess/PKR, and searched for a reason to do so.

Arete’s response to luxy’s post. Another defend of that slot from arete hmmm hmmm hmmm.

The problem with their reads isn’t that I disagree with them, the problem is that the logic behind them makes no sense. Like, half their basis for scumreading Priestess/PKR is that they (Priestess/PKR) disagree with each other about their reads

another defend of the preistess/PKR SLOT. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM

If you were softing in your early posts it was really non-obvious. If someone re-reads a post with softs so soft they’re practically inaudible and doesn’t see the softs, and says as much, that’s not a lie, that’s an accurate evaluation of those posts from their perspective.

On a point abojut preistess calling me a liar for softing. Preistess is could have said “I dont see a soft” but calls me a liar. Arete eats it up hard .

Basically, what I’m seeing here is Marshal attacking Priestess for “lying” when the vast majority of supposed lies are things like ‘missing that he softed, when literally no one can catch the soft’ or ‘expressing the opinion that he’s been anti-town.’ I don’t see his exaggeration of how serious what she did here to be remotely town-motivated – like, he calls her a “proven liar” for missing a soft , which really only makes sense motivation-wise if he’s trying to discredit Priestess and make it sound reasonable.

We then get this awful defence of preistess as well. I just don’t see town arete pushing and defending with such poor logic, but i have definitely seen scum arete do just that. She even mentioned as scum when i was their partner that mispushing town is their townmeta. HMMMM.

  • Marshal’s response to Priestess’s push on him was basically an OMGUS
  • Marshal’s refutation of Priestess’s points contained a lot of misrepresentation.

I’m not really seeing town!Marshal making a wallpost about how Priestess is a lying liar who lies, dishonestly and then making half of the examples things like her saying that he didn’t soft.

More marshal shade and more sucking up to daddy priestess. Preistess made a comment in which they were genuinly suprised they were getting lynched, and i think the scumteam had the same effect. Arete didn’t see themselves or preistess(or me, showing how the votes are) flipping here.

Up until this point, we have seen the relentless sucking up to preistess posted by arete. Luxy/geyde calls for death on preistess, I agree, and arete seems to go full bus mode here(no progression)

Here are some points that they made:

Priestess has consistently, and unwaveringly, tried to discredit and shade our slot for the entirely of the game, which fits in the ‘we are getting shelved’ idea. Discreditting:

I have said the same thing but about me

‘I want to push you but I can’t because PR’ is blatant shade/mislynch setting up and keeps priestess out of the spotlight for pushing on someone, and avoids cross-examination.

I shaded someone earlier for saying this, cant remember if it;s preistess but still

More shading, notice how she calls us dishonest, yet never follows up on it!

Same thing but me

She has spent the entire game with a holier-than-thou attitude completely unlike in SFoL 53:

I said this, too, and earlier i think(reminder that i’m not discrediting luxy/geyde because they did bring up some new stuff but a lot of it was stull i said and was ignored)

And here’s aretes response, out of nowhere.

…Okay, this post is really persuasive, not going to lie.

The biggest question it’s leaving me with is what associations you get out of a Priestess town flip.

ooh ooh let me bus but also let me defend preistess a little here too.

I don’t like this post .

Like, Priestess regularly gets mislynched as town, by town . She already said she expects that >slot’s D1 reads to be bad. Now that they’re hardpushing her, instead she’s turning it into an OMGUS >‘they’re trying to mislynch me’ post rather than looking at the possibility that they could be wrong.

First time all game that they mentioned not liking something preistess said. This isn’t town switching rapidly from lynch A to lynch B mode, this is scum flipping from hard defend to bus mode(and the bus would be needed after i scumread them heavily)

Pushing Geyde/Luxy up to a townlean regardless of Priestess’s flip for the last minute CFD proposal as on this site doing something like that seems way too risky as a wolf – it’s going to draw a lot of attention to them, negative attention if she flips town.

ah yes, drawing attention to yourself as one of them is “townie” but if i do it it’s “powerwolfing”

i have a theory but ill wait for kai to answer first

also, has anyone else received a mango?

and are there just mangos, or other items?

Well, I’m here. I’m looking at Arete’s notes that he made in the night and they’re pretty good. I guess I’ll wait for him to post them himself. I personally don’t make notes during the night, they’re cursed.

My instincts from this are:

  • I’ve taken note of the Nerbins wagon as well. Arete has spent more time in the thread than me and he says it was foreseeable, but I’m surprised still. Even greater of a surprise to me is how PKRiestess managed to self-preserve there correctly. I think there’s something to be said about how Maxwell - who arrived close to end of day - had a vote on Nerbins, and then astand - who did not appear at all - also had a vote on Nerbins after Maxwell. Now obviously there are a lot of decent explanations for this but I’m interested to hear the actual ones.

  • Vulgard, please reexamine your reads. I don’t do associative a lot but it’s pretty clear that had Luxy/Geyde not posted what they did at end of day, I think we both certainly would have pushed for a DatBird lynch. Now, bussing is possible, but you made no notice of it, nor the fact that we ended up voting correctly at the end of the day. I have seen no reevaluation of the gamestate following a scumflip. If we’re scum, how do you puzzle that with us voting PKRiestess? How does it make sense that our major push of substance is on your second most likely scumread?

  • Marshal, to his credit, has considered such, though I am completely lacking surprised at the biased wall he’s made and am choosing to ignore it. Some of it is unfortunate truth, I’ll accept that, but given how Marshal structures his cases I have no desire to interact with any of it. What bad interactions there are - and there are some, yes - exist in his wall, and whatever Marshal wants to make up as bad interactions over a sore ego also exist. Those reading can separate the two types.

  • Considering multiple thoughts about the nightkill, the biggest one being does scum deliberately shoot Jgoesgaming, which both heads have been nonexistent to the point of them not even voting, and Marshal was likely to shoot, or even failing that, push there anyways? It would have to be a deliberate fade and sacrifice of the mafia’s nightkill, and the mafia would know that they’d be losing their kill if they shot there. The best answer here is that the nightkill failed for whatever reason.

The tinfoiling answer is that Marshal, as scum, shot Jgoes to cover for a slankvig. I’m a huge traditionalist and I don’t like that option very much and it’s here very, very reluctantly for completion’s sake.

There’s also the question of, um, is there a neutral killer in the game or not? I guess I’ll let you ToL veterans deal with that thought.

  • I’ll let Arete handle PKRiestess spew.

  • I don’t think you’ll need to wait for Arete for this; we didn’t receive a mango.

in my opinion its still 50/50 on an nk, or in neutrals in general.
the evidence against them has roughly equaled out the evidence for them

No mangos here.

With only one kill last night, it’s hard to say for sure. There’s the possibility of the kill being prevented, but with Marshal claiming a vig of some sort (assuming Marshal isn’t the NK) there’d be a potential 3 kills last night if one existed; and we only had 1 kill.

So if Marshal is a vig of sorts, the likelyhood of a NK existing feels pretty low. This line from the OP doesn’t deconfirm a NK, though. I think eevee is intentionally keeping that vague intentionally.


I don’t disagree that PKRiestess flipping Mafia makes Arete/Disq look pretty bad (and they already looked bad to me yesterday, hence my vote on them), but we don’t know what PKRiestess’ abilities were. We don’t know that they couldn’t resolve. Unless I’m missing something, all we know is that they were a Mafia Librarian.

I really want to see Arete do a few posts so I can gauge my current opinion of their hydra. I think I’ve got a few reads otherwise, but I’ll save those for later so I can talk to FK.

Anyway guys I’m very tempted to ignore the last day altogether because even if I was trying to solve my nullreads during night to post here during day, I couldn’t because all those wallposts fucked my WiM up.
But I won’t for obvious reasons because we are still doing wallposts as it seems.
I’ll be ISOing someone chosen at random between my nullreads unless someone wants me to read a particular player first.

I got a banana and my post limit is now 45

Anyway, people seemed to ignore VCA completely and as votes are proxy, I find this very important. I’ll go from upper to lesser wagons.

I’m assuming the following people (but Astand) haven’t read the PKRiestess discussion.
@JakeTheWolfie @Alice You had the first vote on the scum counterwagon. Your only post which would lead to this conclusion was #244. Why did you choose Nerbins over Kai?
@Maxwell is the second, and declared that he would start to read Nerbins at #236 but never gave us a conclusion on the thread. Why did you find Nerbins suspicious?
Astand has a very nice progression on his vote, so I have nothing to question.

What does librarian do BTW?

Lemme see if I find anything about it on Google
found it on EpicMafia


  • Once in the game can force the village into a library during the day.
  • Everyone can only whisper to each other in the library.
  • Sided with the mafia

Okay. BTW, I have an accusation to make but first I wanna ask if anyone was attacked and healed

I got no feedback at all during night, not even a “you slept peacefully”

The wagon on Kai: It was for me a close race between Kai and Nerbins, but ultimately I have chosen Kai because I believed that conclusions could change on Nerbins later, whilst Kai seemed only to be trolling and spamming the game.

@Shurian suspects Marshal at #22, Kai at #295 for shooting him, and PKRiestess and DatBird at #594. Knowing Kai’s shot was fake (as you had came back in the thread later) and your heaviest scumread was Marshal by your progression, why did you vote Kai?

You know what I’m gonna say who I SR right now. No lie I forgot MonoWolfy was even in this game since they did literally nothing and I suspect Maxi because PKR expected him to cover for him

I’m realllly not liking marshal not having a post limit tbh.

Aretted - PoisonedVulgard, Kitten hydra
Squid is unsactisfied with Kai at #154, Vulgard mentions her scumreading Priestess at #343 and Disquieted at #582. Besides that, she has little of content in the game. Now let’s go to Vulgard.

Vulgard slightly scumreads Maxwell and Disquieted at #91, Nerbins at #99, Arete, Marshal and Priestess at #343, heavily scumreads Disquieted, Marshal and PKRiestess at #363, Kat hydra at #380.

Apparently Vulgard DID VCA. Sorry, I arrived at the thread and everyone was talking about mangos and shit so I’m not the first one apparently.

@Vulgard @PoisonedSquid Why did you choose to vote Aretted over PKRiestess? Also, how do your conclusions on VCA compare to mines?

Firekitten says that they scumread someone (apparently PKR as of #450) but was tempted to vote Marshal at #370 and heavily pushes him later. He later says that Katze will control the vote.

@katze townreads Marshal and Luxy at #52 but later says he is formulation opinions although not posting them. He thinks there is at least one scum between Marshal and PKRriestess at #353, scumleans Kai and Arette at #353 as well. Why did you go for Aretted when you were so sure on Marshal/PKRiestess, and why not Kai as well?