[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Alice has slanked hard before as wolf.
See her ISO from her MU September Light Game for evidence:

I hope you do realize that with most people being restricted, this way of playing might not be very effective anyway.

But alright, I am willing to give you that freedom, as long as you donā€™t turn this into a spam fest.

Still, you being restricted doesnā€™t really mean you had to spend your posts the way you did.

Why did you feel like Marshal was the most noteworthy thing both D1 and today?

Iā€™m pretty sure that fact of Alice slanking by itself is entirely NAI for her.

I have freed the Firekitten from his post restricting shackles.

Although I didnā€™t say to just waste a post on something like this reeee

/pet the fox

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And sheā€™s not just slanking, sheā€™s completely missing.

I think this is really unlikely, but I do have one thought that came up in my head. At least most of us have post restrictions (Varying depending on the person), but do you think itā€™s possible that Alice canā€™t speak entirely?

Side note and maybe a silly read: I think Shurian having 9 posts D1 is town indicative, since scum chat wouldā€™ve begged him to post one more.

Jake has pretty explicitly said Alice wasnā€™t even talking to him.

I see. Then I guess that throws the theory out the window

For which exact reasons you are leaning this way now?

oh this reminds me of what I had written for PKR on my case of him

itā€™s wrong in hind sight but still


At this point Iā€™m going to end up policy lynching anyone who claims confirmable until people who are not confirmable stop claiming confirmable.

I read through PKRā€™s ISO and thereā€™s several things that have been bothering me. The first thing is where PKR softed his role.

I donā€™t expect anyone to have caught this soft, and Iā€™m surprised I even remember this. For anyone who doesnā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about, what PKR is referring to is Lion King. Thereā€™s only one game where Lion King has been used as a soft and that was from Mathblade In Infecfion. They were prince trying to soft by talking about something along the lines of Lion King if I remember correctly. I remember this because in dead chat MathBlade thought I caught his soft and he was shocked that I knew he was prince based off mentioning that movie.

PKR is pretty obviously claiming Jailor here. This is when it hits me, that if I donā€™t mention this then when he jails someone tonight and heā€™s scum like I think he is people are going to claim to him thinking heā€™s a town role. However I donā€™t intend on letting him live past today, unless him or priestess can change my mind on their alignment. I could be wrong here and misread his soft, however thatā€™s the first thing I thought of when he said Lion King so Iā€™m thinking itā€™s that. He was also in the game Mathblade was in.

Another thing that has been bothering me is the reason heā€™s scumreading chemist.

This is what I had written for the case before I decided marshal was more important lmao

Because I donā€™t believe that Marshal was bussing PKR, and with how much attention he was drawing to himself (and in general) I fully believe that Marshal could have diverted attention away from Priestess if they were both Mafia.

But emphasis on leaning town. I still have some theories in my head that involve him not being town, and only having one death last night when heā€™s claiming a slankvig is certainly notable.

Did you actually have that thought at the time the quoted post was madeā€¦

Yes. Iā€™m skeptical on his claim, but less skeptical of his alignment.

I think thereā€™s a chance he lied about his claim but is still town.

I intentionally left that out of the quoted post, however, because I wanted to see if anyone would try to sheep the fourth option.

congrats fk, youve joined me, marshal, and kai in not caring about our prs

kai because theyre kai, marshal because they apparently dont have one, and me because i tend to post little enough that i dont break the pr anyways

Can you elaborate on the purpose of that? Looks to me that 4th option just means Marshal is village, and thatā€™s it.

Iā€™m trying to think about how to explain what I have been feeling to you Astand but I donā€™t know how to describe it.

Astand I donā€™t know if you ever felt it but