[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

And even if I didn’t I would have left instructions on what to do and be entirely anxious about leaving

Now let’s get this actual game started

I’m trying to get through mercnery ISO right now because I’m pretty sure that Luxy wall on them is probably biased like they were on us when I remembered this post

He said he already submitted all of his actions pre-game but here he says he has a killing ability

No I don’t have a killing ability, I technically have a gun but it has nothing to do with my abilties it’s more of a flavor kinda joke

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Good morning friends, oh hi Luxy! You seemed to have missed me :heart:

I already explained this earlier, and since you clearly looked at my ISO I really doubt you missed it.

I also feel like you’re really cherrypicking examples on me, because there’s definitely some posts of mine that are missing here.

I… explained this to you when you first pointed it out. I missed a paragraph in your post containing 100 paragraphs. Human errors a bitch, huh? I asked that because I was already doubting it. I wanted to hear your opinion on it, since at that point you were my strongest town read.

But I have one question for you. How do you feel about the fact that me and FK are very clearly on different pages with our reads right now?

@Mercenary I saw multiple times that you have said you were focusing on town hunting rather then scum hunting, however i think scum hunting is more important right now. Who do you actually want to hang today?

Wait @JakeTheWolfie when did you vote nerbins

This is important, you were the first vote on them which means this tells us when the later votes happened

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@Mercenary I read through your posts on kai and I think the only reason you have them that low is because they aren’t actually contributing, do you have any ACTUAL reason that they are that low on your reads

@Shurian I don’t think anyone actually asked you this, why did you vote kai?

I have to go now but I have sometning I want to say that I was writing so I’ll copy it and finish it after lunch

Hm. So a few things.

Luxy, your case on Firekitten/Katzy isn’t very convincing; it does have some amounts of reaching because Marshal’s logic is just flat busted. Dude has had one good read in the whole game, yes, but several bad ones just based on construction alone. I don’t like it; Firekitten has every right to dislike it regardless of his alignment.

With regards to Katze’s EOD, I must admit I was having some similar feelings and disclosed as much privately to Arete while the day was ongoing. Priestess was hitting all of the obvious scumtells at the end there; the sense of her incriminating herself did cross my mind and it does make one think twice. It’s not exactly mafialike. It’s not a good look either, though.

Anyways, following along and you make a valid case on Mercenary. I’ll see if I can reach Arete and see if we agree on it independently. I believe Arete has the opposite read in that PKRiestess’s top read of Mercenary was town TMI but, hm. Yeah.

We have our own suspicions on Jake; I believe Arete was significantly uncomfortable about the tone of the interactions he had with Priestess compared with others as well.

So there’s a few things that came to mind in the interim.

First is what is the point of a slankvig in a game that is post restricted? If Nerbins is telling the truth there’s even a role that limits posts even further; in addition Firekitten and Geyde are probably just easily viggable through no fault of their own. We can laugh about eevee mechanics night and day but I don’t really understand why this is a thing, especially since Marshal has already indicated that he can vig based on the posts of one half of a hydra. Bleh.

Second is astand. I don’t get a few posts he made today:

Suspicion on Nerbins died off in the middle of the day. Assume that PKR and Priestess was running off zero information with regards to knowing where their fellow scum voted; the most reasonable top targets given threadflow would be a mixture of us, DatBird or Marshal. This explanation doesn’t make much sense and their vote on Nerbins close to end of Day still raises that question.

Anyways, after this, you say that you should look at the wagon you yourself are on, which is quite logical. But your push on Jake has been bare, and your push on Maxwell is quite short and you spent significant amount of time with both Jake and Maxwell without proactively evaluating them; even responding to their remarks amicably. Obviously you don’t have to be aggressive to your scumreads but I see no real interest in solving either.

If I had to say something, there’s a marked difference between you fairly soundly coming to the conclusion that one of the players on your wagon contains a mafia, and you actually being interested in finding said mafia. Compare your pushes on both to your push on Nerbins. I’d like to know what’s going on here. Have I misinterpreted something?

I don’t care whether Marshal is wrong or not, its the fact you are ganging up with other people to silence him. It doesn’t matter if he’s wrong, everyone deserves an opinion. You could easily use this situation with Marshal in lylo to discredit him and win from it. Do you have any opinions about your association with Priestess? Do you have any opinions on Mercenary? Why Priestess TR you?

Not trusting katze is the only valid defence you have made and its self meta so its garbage.

Nice shadethrowing/discrediting AGAIN. Not only are you discrediting mine/Geyde’s reads you are also defending Merc. What am I baised for or against? It is not my job to pull you out of the PoE, that is your job. Make me believe you are town instead of shadethrowing and discrediting me

Very interesting tone you have here katze. It reminds me of someone…

No, I quoted those posts during the night into our class card and used them in the wallpost that took me the entire day to make because I was so busy. It’s interesting that you shadethrow me like that instead of directing my attention to those posts.

Those were your EoD posts and IMO most AI.

Sure this can explain it, but it doesn’t change the fact by asking that question you were indirectly giving PKR a way out.

I mean the hydra dissonance read on PKRiestess was ironically right I believe, judging by their reaction to it. But as far as I can tell there isn’t much difference between you two. Geyde convinced me that hydra dissonance was NAI so I’m not going to pursue this route of reading.

This is why I don’t want to lynch Firekitten/Katze today at this point, and why I want to lynch merc. It is not my prerogative to pull them out of the PoE, its their own job, or they can eat rope.

I would like to see after looking at what I say about Merc how Arete’s opinion changes. She can also bring evidence to the contrary.

Nerbins said that they trusted astand without any progression etc. and astand called it out as an attempt to pocket iirc.

Lovely shadethrowing.
And purely mechanical. Bruh.

I like most of your iso but how does this clear arete? I mean it’s not hard to interact outside of scumchat, and saying something like that isn’t really AI.

Because aretted + firekatze are the “marshal sux” gang and you mentioned Them discrediting me as sus, but not aretted.

I don’t know if it’s purely scum AI but silencing the opinions of someone because you think they are wrong is bad. Because as soon as they are right again they are told to shut.

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I also have a theory but I’m gonna test it once I get on PC In like 8 hours.

can you give us a legend for what bolds and colors on this mean please?

lol imagine being able to read

What do you think of his explanation of his scumrread on Mercenary? If you answered this already, I’m sorry

You can get recognition when you actually are right, which I apparently did give you on your Priestess read. Until then, I have every right to call your logic flawed and just ignore what you post for the rest of the game.

Luxy, two things: one is that I enjoyed your hydra dissonance read a lot as I’ve stated before and I feel like it should hold more weight than you would normally expect. The part directed to astand was referencing Priestess’s mysterious vote on Nerbins at the end. I know astand had reasons to vote Nerbins, but PKRiestess should reasonably have no reason to vote there and expect it to be competitive.