[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

If Mafia has a tracker and a rolecop they could easily find out what he did at night for a simple confirm

Wrong. It is a fair strategy for scum to try to bury me into the ground by ganging up on me with false rolecop and alignment cop claims against me all at once.

I would suspect that Shurian was the scum rolecop on Astand N2.

Thereā€™s a good chance weā€™re in MyLo or LyLo already, and if not we certainly have 0-1 mislynches until autoloss.

Mylo with 11 people and us having 1 flip red and another cleaned. I doubt we are in mylo

Perhaps not, but it is pretty likely that 1-2 mislynches can end the game.

3 mafia + a possible second scum neut are likely still around.

I look away and what just happened.

Weā€™re not in MyLo. If Mercenary wasnā€™t mafia with the way she was acting Iā€™ll eat the apple and banana we have. And an organ. Just to be safe.

DatBird, how did you get results for Night 1 and 2, but on Night 3 your result was given to Shurian? Do you rolecop, but also give your result to a second person?

Disagree with this

His immediate reaction to the peek was to doubt it rather than to use it to push you

anyways if Maxwell was right earlier about it being LyLo then investigative checks are intrinsically less trustworthy

also I did the math and itā€™s roughly 14 percent odds for no living town or town-ish player to receive Datā€™s N1 or N2 peek, depending on how many scum there are

Exactly. I dont pick its random. I have no clue where my n1 and N2 went

Oh wait, Shurian did not claim rolecop

they claimed that they received random feedback from someone else
Sorry, wasnā€™t here for that interaction

Dat may be the scum rolecop then.

The feedback that Shurian received was not a peek.
It was a forged role.

The chances of a frame working in this way are outrageously unlikely.
I donā€™t think my vote will move off Dat this day.

What cha mean?

A peek does not include a rolecop

What I saw ur role thatā€™s me peeking at your card or an invest itā€™s just a different word

Itā€™s laughably obvious that youā€™re scum with the ability to forge a rolecop and give that feedback to another player. Whether the player the forged rolecop is given to is random or not doesnā€™t really matter.

You donā€™t know. Iā€™ve spent my entire game getting drilled that eevee is the rudest mod in the history of modding, he hates cops, blah blah blah, whatever. Chances of a frame working like this, especially on you, seem reasonable. Donā€™t get yourself bogged down by mechanics like this, because, as everyone SEEMS TO WANT TO REMIND ME, reads > mechanics. eevee ur the worst :V

Also, can you not claim your vote? Claiming vote = bad etc etc.