[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Its just us, no one else is added except eevee. He was active a bit, but not before we got results at night.

from your perspective, all we know it could have been random feedback. Plus why doesnt Simon have the same info on fruitsellers that Astand supposedly has as a neutral

Because thats my results. Like my results dont have a chance to give me random feedback, we dont even know if ur Astand one is true. Your other mechanical confirm could have been acheived by a tracker and rolecop combo, Im suspecting Watson is your tracker or something else. Maybe hes ur scum fruit seller. Plus Simon and Wazza also confirmed that I had their exact role. So Im as much mechanical confirmed as you are

@Shurian Do you have any sort of masonry with Dat, and do you know his alignment for sure, yes or no?

Thing is, in 18er Iā€™d think there would be 2 scum left at that point, and we are far from MYLO, so the situation seems bizzare.

One thing, he could be betting on Shurian just being afk or something for the rest of the day, and making them look bad tomorrow if he flips.

Shurian went to sleep 5 hours ago, they will be back. They should be back

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Simon agreed that I very likely was not framed. Itā€™s up to members of the court to make their own conclusions on this.

2 posts left for me today.

So you got into chat during the night and not at EoN or what? And what was he talking about?

He welcomed me, we talked a bit off topic mainly video games, and then talked a tiny bit about the game especially how I suspected you and the neut claim, before he had something come up. After that day started I went to bed, and we havenā€™t really talked much otherwise due to me being busy most of the day yesterday.

Which ones.


Fire EMblem

And what did he say about it?

We were talking about three houses is really good, I was staing how I really enjoying the Golden Deer route, and he recommended that I recruit Ferdinand for it since he has a paralouge with one of the characters

Ok, this seems decently detailedā€¦

I will still wait for Shurian to confirm all of this.

Alright, so hereā€™s the deal. I guess Iā€™m pulling this out since itā€™s late.

DatBird, on Night 1 you say that you investigated Simon. Theoretically, this means you would have an idea what fruit does. However, in the above posts (which are in reverse order cause Iā€™m stupid) on Day 2, you indicate you have no idea what fruit are. This leads me to believe that you did not investigate Simon on Night 1, or you were hiding that fact. Generally I would attribute that to you being a scum rolecop that didnā€™t want to leak information from their mafia ability.

In addition, your targets are highly suspect. Both Simon and Kai do have appropriate explanations, but they are also the two of the more townread people in the thread. Kai, in particular;

This is what you said on Day 1. I am surprised Kai dropped so low just because of simple drop off that you copped him over other targets like astand, or us, or MaximusPrime, etc. Point being, for someone that has an alignment check, checking Kai seems to be on the last thing on your agenda.

This is what you said on Day 2. At no point did I see any indication that your trust in Kai has dropped more than anyone else that you should investigate him.

The way you explain both checks also feels very scripted, like youā€™ve rehearsed this, and I feel marginally uncomfortable with that as it indicates youā€™re scum.

Finally, letā€™s talk about threadplay.

This is the worst of it; here DatBird already assumes astandā€™s reaction testing. At no point in his ISO does he assume heā€™s mafia. The people who can assume such, are people who already knew FireKatze was mafia.

This is what you said about astandā€™s cop on MaximusPrime. At no point in the game did you specify *what *was so shady, and in fact you used it mainly to push that astand was scum. In general youā€™ve used MaximusPrime as a talking point that you think heā€™s scum without actually addressing or pushing MaximusPrime is scum. I believe that you did this for distancing purposes, or that you are TMIing MaximusPrime is scum here.

MaximusPrime has further issues, by the way , make him look significantly worse, but prodding Arete to explain is something Iā€™m really bad at and I think they donā€™t wanna do it cause itā€™s my conviction, not theirs. :V

ā€¦But FireKatze flipped town.

ā€¦Am I looking at a scumslip/TMI?

Hell, probably not. Iā€™ve never seen a genuine scumslip.

mechanics-style bullshit detector triggered
uh, no? no they arent???
sure, to you they are (kinda, if we ignore all the bs eevee could have set up that could easily mess with that)
but if dat is saying you are also mafia, then of course claiming that youā€™ve mechanically cleared someone means nothing. so no, for the purposes of maxwell + astand v datbird, astand is NOT mechanically confirmed in any way.

hey, no twisting words man
the only thing i said was that you are likely not a framed town.
i have said nothing (before this post) on you being mafia or town, just that you werent framed
i say exactly what i mean most of the time. like here, i can see how you thought my saying you likely werent framed was also me saying you were likely town (as in, in order to not be framed, you had to have the possibility to be framed, i.e. be a town) however this was incorrect.

actually, he would not know what fruit does from my rolecard.
why? i dont know what fruit does from my rolecard.

really not liking maxwell right now, if this wasnt an indication

What even is this thunderdome about?