[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

you dont have to say who, just whether or not you have important info

Nope useless info

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honestly i townread you a good bit from that.
imo a scum derp would say they had info to ensure they survived until tomorrow.
i know weā€™re lynching nerbins but i think a scum derps would have just wanted to be safe and did that


Explain these posts in the context of your assertion that you havenā€™t targeted my slot yet.

I have targeted it before I messed it up tho

Can you explain in more detail than ā€˜I messed it up,ā€™ like, how did you mess it up?

and also tell me why two seconds ago you tried to say you hadnā€™t targeted us

That was about sharing results

ā€¦and just like that, poof!

I have several thoughts, but first I want to confirm something:

@SirDerpsAlot did you receive a banana last night?

One thing Iā€™ve been thinking is that Jake flipped Town Medic and he was softing Jailor as you pointed out, so maybe he was a jailkeeper sort of role?

The fact that he was killed might mean scum was searching for someone who could stop their kill, and someone who they knew wasnā€™t Nerbins, because Nerbins already claimed at that point. I donā€™t see other ways that kill was justified.

It isnā€™t impossible that Jake was the one who made a save N1, since there was only a kill from slank vig.

I donā€™t think so

I got an apple I think it was yesterday

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Ok then, this means my fruits last night really werenā€™t distributed, as I gave bananas to Nerbins and you N4.

So either me getting my abilities back is a deception somehow, or Nerbins did roleblock me at the very least.

However, Iā€™m pretty sure I was roleblocking Nerbins as well last night, so we must have basically both blocked each other completely, I guess?

I see two possibilities here:

  1. Nerbins is scum roleblocker who was blocked by me in turn (so we were both roleblocked and failed all our actions).

  2. This is a more spicy possibility: if Nerbins is not scum, then whoever scum is knows he is town roleblocker. Since there were 8 people alive last night, no kill doesnā€™t add to a number of lynches town has. Which means scum could holster their kill to frame whoever would be roleblocked by Nerbins (or even better - to try to lynch Nerbins first and then lynch whoever was roleblocked by him).

Maxwellā€™s death couldnā€™t be predicted by anyone, after all.

12 h and no posts.

Thatā€™s boring.



This is Mercā€™s post and itā€™s pretty important. I think it spews Derps as town.
Never lynch Derps.
Nerbins is scum, then we lynch Astand and Arete/Disquieted. Thatā€™s my priority.
I donā€™t think anyone else is ever scum.

If I get nightkilled, please re-read my posts and follow what I said. I think we should win the game if that happens. Nobody seems to disagree.

Thatā€™s my final post today.

Okay. I donā€™t know what I was saying yesterday, it was in the morning and I was very tired. I ISOed Vul and Iā€™m satisfied with what I read with some exceptions.

Astand was confirmed good by Maxwell. While I think I slightly scumlean Astand as a result of their ā€œpossibilitiesā€ post seeming a little too TMI for me, I see no way as to how Astand couldā€™ve faked Maxā€™s check on them

Merc ā€œscumreadingā€ Derp does not in any way clear them. Read the first day of Enemy Within 3. Scum can ā€œscumreadā€ other scum, what makes this specific instance different than others?

Other than that, I like Vulā€™s ISO. Their rant against this game seemed genuine to me and the fact that he always viewed Arete and I with some suspicion seems organic to me and that he wasnā€™t changing his opinion to seem more trustworthy.

So do we think thereā€™s only one mafia, or do we think a flip was altered?

We think thereā€™s only one, and that itā€™s Derps ā€“ Nerbinsā€™s D2 interactions with Maxi are clearing in our eyes.