[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Nerbins was lynched.

They were Town Escort

Night 5 start.

Processing night actions.

Town Wooden Guard Tower has died.

They were @Wazza

Day 6 start!

48 hours, yada yada.

Okay, so.
My main takeaway from Nerbins not being scum is that the scumteam has no cohesion. They could have gotten a townie lynched D1 quite easily but didnā€™t for some reason.

Which brings me back to Derps. I actually agree with Arete/Disquieted now. That slot is probably scum.

Reason why: lack of cohesion. If the scumteam has no cohesion, it makes much more sense for Derps to be in it and not someone like Arete/Disquieted (who was voting PKR/Priestess when they could easily be voting Nerbins, letā€™s remember that), Simon (who is cleared based on his votes).

This only leaves Derps, myself, and Astand. I hope Iā€™m sufficiently cleared by now given my reads on multiple dead scum, the fact I voted the majority of scum, and the fact I posted plenty of analytical content which I believe was somewhat good.

We received an apple last night, so the fruit vendor (Astand) is still a thing. I personally still think Astand might be the only reason this game is still ongoing, but weā€™ll see. If we lynch Derps today and the game still doesnā€™t end (regardless of his flip), I think we have to lynch Astand.

I donā€™t think Simon is scum because his votes are just too good.

I donā€™t think Arete/Disquieted are scum because their reads were spot on especially recently, and they voted multiple scum. They really picked up the pace from D2 onwards and I donā€™t think scum would go against me lynching Nerbins yesterday. Nerbins was town. Why obstruct a town lynch?

I know Iā€™m not scum.

That leaves Derps and Astand. We can all agree Derpsā€™ ISO is subpar and he might be trying an UTR strategy right now. Mostly because if he suddenly started trying to influence the game, it would look suspicious, so itā€™s better for him to stay mostly silent. At least thatā€™s how I imagine it.

Astand could still be it, especially since he lynched a townie on D2 all on his own, but given the disparity between his content and Derpsā€™ content, I think I donā€™t want to lynch him over Derps.

Also, one more thing. If Astand is actually some 3p that wins in final three, I will eat my shoes on camera. Iā€™m going to be really mad.

Anyway. Itā€™s pretty clear who I want to lynch today and who I would never lynch. Hopefully weā€™re going to win this game.

@Arete @disquieted @Simon Team Town, please talk. If Iā€™m mistaken here, please let me know. I donā€™t want to be the reason we lose this game.

Also notice how their day 1 votes were all over the place instead of being strategically placed. If thereā€™s anything this indicates, itā€™s a lack of cohesion - at least in my eyes.

Not going to post for a while because lolpostrestrictions. We can actually still lose if we go over these restrictions, so letā€™s not.


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Alright Iā€™m revealing all my checks now.

Green on lux, greet on smarete, green on jake, green on wazz, green on Vul

So unless theirs a GF itā€™s Astand or Simon

I donā€™t want to be that guy, but getting five green checks in a row in a game with 6 mafia (apparently) is a pretty terrible result.

I do like your targets (mostly), the problem is that all of these are green and it drives me nuts.

There might be a GF, we donā€™t know that. Can you fullclaim? Iā€™m not sure if you did this before, I just need some clarity here.

I can fullclaim too but my role and results hardly seem relevant.

I set my targets before the game

Iā€™m legit just a cop

These two statements contradict each other. Youā€™re ā€˜just a copā€™, but you need to pre-select your targets?
Is there anything else thatā€™s special about your role?

Yeah I selected my targets pre-game lmao

Iā€™m the reason you got an apple

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Everyone but me has an apple at this point, so astand if you could start protecting those thatā€™d be nice

Yes, I didnā€™t give an apple to Vulgard, I gave certain exotic fruits to Simon and Arete last night (wonā€™t claim what they were just in case, and there is probably no need to do so). They can just confirm the fact if they want to.

Obviously I canā€™t protect everyone who has ever received a fruit during the game, thatā€™d be broken. I can protect those who received a fruit last night.

Thatā€™s also a reason that f3 tomorrow canā€™t mechanically happen (it can only be f4, provided that somehow the game doesnā€™t end today), which was my plan (can explain it if someone wants, but itā€™s not too difficult to figure out why).

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