[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

eevee wasn’t lying when they said 11v7 in signups

because I didn’t think Astand was bold enough to fake a red check

lynching all fruit vendor claims from now on

> be Arete
> typo by saying you won’t put town in your towncore
> TFW it’s actually true

I was a fruit vendor lol.

astand’s scumplay frightens me

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the neutral fruit vendor who has to save people to win fakes a redcheck and the whole world just watched :eyes:

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guy lynches a town d2 all on its own completely scot free

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Town absolutely had this game in the bag before the “neutclear”


12 vs 6 actually, but close enough.

At least Disq and I solved Maxwell/Dat? I guess?

I was willing to lynch astand until I heard he got confirmed as neutral due to being fullcopped by Maxwell
in hindsight that’s certainly not what happened was it

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Memes I made during Night 6:



One more, but it’s too big of a gif.

Turns out random result means random result

Mafia could and should have won this day one, the dead chat were discussing this

The fact that they didn’t shows no one knows how to wolf that great on this site

@Vulgard I think I figured out why your reads re off but I need help from you

@eevee Post all roles and then a modrant.

Like I said … either in the thread or in hydra chat, it was technically possible for no invests to target Astand and for him to get random feedback fake confirming him as neut

I just thought that was really dumb and unlikely

Is the game over? :thinking:

It is, yeah.

@PokemonKidRyan @anon97870008 @DatBird @Shurian @Mercenary @MaximusPrime

We won.
