[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

I was paranoid of that slot all game because of my amazing 13 question d1 read


I should have called bullshit.
What you were saying was starting to deviate SLIGHTLY in nuance from the classcard I received.


this wolf chat is god tier

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my n2 feedback

It was strongest ability in this setup actually.

fucking dammit

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Lol really? THen I just suck royally as TI

turns out my read about ‘lol3p is gonna win’ wasn’t entirely off
‘lol3p’ did win
it just wasn’t lol3p

And had shite luck.

Eevee was telling me my role was useful and seemed to have ideas about how to use it but I had completely no idea so I just visited random people I thought weren’t town
I’m not good at mechanics ok

> be Arete
> ask lots of questions as town
> have ONE GAME as scum where you do nothing but ask questions because producing real content is hard
> ever ask a question again
> get scumread for being in your scum meta
> apparently this applies to your hydra partners as well

also @PoisonedSquid I’m sorry if I was unable to teach you anything; part of the reason why I wallposted is because I wanted to make my thoughts transparent so maybe you could learn something from it
idk if it did anything

You confirmed 2 other classes in the game with N1 and N3 results.

You just didn’t press the matter enough on them, but you focused on N2 one.

Can you publicize dead chat @eevee

Who did I confirm with N1? No one claimed the feedback, I thought it was random

oh riiight
I remember what needed to be purged
I don’t think they are finding it tho

Your role did one good thing.

It proved itself to Maxwell.

Your role was proven to exist and would make no sense to be scum.

this was n1? god damn it vulgard

You saw @Vulgard