[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Meant to reply to this

Wait, quick question, why did we not receive PKRiestessā€™s gun?

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Cause the wording was odd

Because the action is processed on eod, and Priestess died before EoD.

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I didnt realize that myself, even after reading the ability thrice

Alice is my arch nemesis when she rolls scum, when I have good read on her and seem town motivated is suddenly against my solving and stand at my way.

That was my greatest and worst play all in one move

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No, I wasnā€™t. Eevee claimed that without knowing my intentions and that claim was false.

I just wanted to fix the typos I made in that post and also correct the fact that I had failed to include Vulsquid in my original PoE. I was never trying to circumvent the PR and would have sacrificed 5, 10, or even all of my remaining posts to do what I did had that have been necessary.

I was confused why edits that werenā€™t quickedits were banned as those were fully recorded by the system. I got the explanation I was seeking from Luxy; that even though recorded edits donā€™t technically have to be banned, they are because it would be to much of a hassle to enforce waiting 10 minutes between each edit to avoid quickediting, so editing in general is banned to make things easier and I accepted that explanation.

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It was so frustrating to get lynched d1 for hydra dissonance
even when you would have done it.
exactly the same way as town.

I think you would have doscussed own reads more tbh

Again, I believe the matter is resolved. My modkill was not intentional this time; I did not understand the nature of the no editing rule this time around, and I will never edit any post in-game again, period.

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Also Maxwell, now I can talk about it. There is very little completely neutral talk you can have about another ongoing game, so best is to just avoid it completely. You indicating knowledge/guess that it would end soon can make others infer something about your position in the game. Especially in a closed setup where literally almost anything would be possible including fake flips (youā€™d be scum and have TMI on gamestate) all forms of dead interaction (that you yourself could have as an dead interaction ability as well and I could claim some invest that had discovered that and someone might see your post and infer Iā€™d be right)

Medium is a role, because the dead can still majorly influence the living through either obtained invest results or just their thoughts/reads, so the more frequent out of game spill from dead players is really problematic in my opinion. Surely it is very problematic too if happening while alive, but I have at least seen that happen less.

This all might be reachy, but why toe the line?

Also yes others would be angleshooting if they tried to use any of those oog posts made, so that opens up another hornetā€™s nest, which is best avoided by just having a hard line on not mentioning ongoing games whatsoever.

I am singling you out here, because we were talking about it earlier, but there are definitely other and worse offenders sadly.


What Maxwell learned in Mafia Academy:

  • how to be a lost wolf as town :heart:
  • not to edit posts

throwback to when I almost had to be replaced out of SFoL 55 because a player in Marson spewed himself as scum in SFoL 55 and I noticed

What Vulgard learned in Mafia Academy:

  • he is bad at mechanics
  • it takes him 3+ days to get good at reading and associating. and when he does, he gets really good
  • his early reads are still trash and he should not follow them with any conviction
  • Vulgard still stays #neutsout

I have no idea what this means but itā€™s a pattern Iā€™ve noticed lately; my early reads are trash but if I live long enough I can clear and associate just the right people and win the game.

Here I unfortunately got bamboozled against voting astand but itā€™s not like I wasnā€™t suspecting him either

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Ironically this is really good for my scum meta because I can mislynch safely and then bullshit my way to endgame but I digress.


No def not. I ignore other peopleā€™s reads, if I know their alignment already

Apologies for that. That wonā€™t ever happen again, either.
On the other hand, you were probably mistaken on your too many games running atm opinion because datbird is waiting to start his game until Aliceā€™s is done, so there really is only one legitimate non-misc classical mafia game here (aliceā€™s) running anytime soon. Thatā€™s mainly what got me worked up and made me lose my cool when speaking with you in my gameā€™s fifth thread.

I actually learned quite a bit here

  • being more confident in my reads (still not great at forming them)
  • being more confident in discourse overall
  • i kind of learned how to better defend myself, i think
  • just because something isnā€™t immediately useful, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s useless (flavor cop)
  • having a hydra partner is nice and iā€™d like to have one again
    • although i tried really hard to rely on FK a lot, thankfully he didnā€™t let me
  • FK is pretty funny
  • priestess is always scummy
  • wallposts are both locktown and awful
  • at first i tried really hard to take myself super seriously, but when i lightened up in D2 (and throughout SFoL56) i enjoyed myself a lot more

probably a bit more, but overall i was super scared to post things and if FK mentions me in his wallpost that is taking a year to write, heā€™ll probably mention that as well