[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

which GI class was it
pls gimme feedback I’ll improv

And does scum do that in F5


i guess not lol

Theobald was made either so you could be a second townmember alongside Efina or trying to purposefully mislead her to become an ultrapowerful NK.

Cult 2.0 strongmanned her, and then I strongmanned Efina (who was Simon)

This wall post has little to do about people’s play this game and has more to do about me.

Mafia is a complex game that is disguised as a simple game. It seems so simple, yet when you look deeper into it you realize how convoluted and complex it is because of how many play styles there are that can affect how a game turns out.

However, let’s think of different mafia forums as different eco systems. In each of these eco system, there exist many different variations of a species called Mafia Player. These species are special, because each time they interact with another variation of their species they clone some part of their DNA and give it to the other forum mafia player. Every so often, these species come around and get together in a group. Let’s call these group meetings “Forum Mafia Matches”. That is a prime time to interact with each other.

Some Forum Mafia Ecosystems are more hidden from the rest of the world, so they are a closed ecosystem where nothing really changes. After a while there’s not so much more you can learn, or rather gain from another person.

That’s how I feel about this place. You all are fantastic people, however there’s no variation here. That’s why I don’t wish to play here anymore, because it’s pretty much going to be the same game each time, compared to if I ventured out and played with a bunch of different people. I’m not going to join anymore games here, at all.

I’m getting bored here because mafia isn’t a complex game here. It’s getting more and more exact with how to read people the more you play with them. You don’t learn anything if you join the games with the same people, you learn to adapt to your ecosystem, when you will do badly in any other ecosystem since you don’t play there a lot.

The biggest way to fix this, is to go to a bigger ecosystem. There is a lot more room for growth on MafiaUniverse, since there are a lot more people to read there and more play styles. It’s not going to be easy, I’m going to struggle and fail. In the end however, it’s going to be worth it because eventually I will become good enough to figure out how to accurately read people from all backgrounds.

I was going to say more then this, however I decided to abandon it and instead try to focus more on summing up the main points. There’s no reason to bring up something that will most likely just end up in my being upset at mentioning it, it had nothing to do with this game and was more of how I felt.


truth be told i think i just played it wrong

but i also just didn’t like being a sidekick :stuck_out_tongue:

eh, the NK didn’t look appealing enough (plus i was told intentional lying would get me modkilled anyway)

i felt like i didn’t really have any way of protecting myself or efina once we were both basically outted, but that was probably more on me for playing wrong than anything

uh, whaaaaat?

I’ll buff it and decrease the cooldown to be converted into the NK

I don’t want to encourage open claiming, though, so this should be fine.

Pretty much my thoughts but people here can deal with my weird ass setups

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I do change every game
to something somehow more stupid but yeah I change ok.

yeah that’s probably fair. i just put myself in a bad spot

That’s totally fair.
I’ll be staying here for a while though because I am friends with a lot of people here, unlike on MU, and also the UI on MU is garbage compared to discourse.

Does that mean that I’m not going to be improving like you will on MU? Yes, but I don’t really care because FM was always and only recreation for me. Since you were this community’s singular choice for representative to Champs season 5, it makes sense that you’d want to depart here for good for an enviroment which consistently offers a higher level of challenge, like MU.

the intent of the class is Efina deciding if it is worth to sacrifice herself due to paranoia of Theobald betraying her

Mafia did NOT deserve to win this smh

Preaching to the choir

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we killed you asap for a reason

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And I still caught two of you and I was onto Shurian too the second I saw him off a town wagon

I’m literally just Marl 2