[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


Weā€™re treading dangerous territory.

I feel like you disregarded the end of his only post, to be fair.

Like I said, Iā€™m waiting until I can talk to FK some more. We havenā€™t talked very much about this game, as much as FK has been prioritizing teaching me how the entire game of forum mafia works. So Iā€™ll probably still be pretty slow on my posts until tomorrow at least.

I definitely thought he meant Power Role - but rereading the post Post Restriction definitely looks like what he meant. Thanks for making me rethink that.

Pretty sure that was showing how many posts they had.

Iā€™ll just state that just because Iā€™m not posting doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not formulating opinions :heart:


Marshalā€™s final true fluffpost.


Observing the thread as it developed over night, Geyde and I have had our opinions shift on some players. Again read the whole post :^)


I personally really like astandā€™s defence, it made sense and it explained his reactionary posts. He has since been much more engaged with the thread, and his town conviction is there which his scumgame struggles to emulate. This is especially pertinent as astand dislikes playing scum, so from our perspective, weā€™re leaning town on him.


We donā€™t think Marshal is scum, from my perspective, these posts never come from scum!Marshal and scream angry town to me, especially at the way Priestess was provoking him.

Marshalā€™s posts arenā€™t careful, and completely disregard his self-image. This indicates that heā€™s more likely to be town. Given how this game is dominated by wallposts, his provacative play sticks out makes it easy to push. Both Geyde and I agree that his conviction is towny as heā€™s ā€˜all thereā€™ and not partially in the game like in SFoL 53.


Weā€™re slightly townleaning this slot because katze feels very pure and Firekittenā€™s post on Marshal hit the nail on the head:


We like Vulgardā€™s wallposts despite them destroying my will to read the thread for a bit, however, the biggest indicator of town for us is Squidā€™s postings.

Squid feels confident and her posting is not wishywashy as it always is in her scumgames. She feels extremly pure here so weā€™re leaning town on the slot.


Vulgard mindmelded with myself and explained the reasons for my own read on Disquieted way better than I did which indicates that heā€™s in a town mindset.


Literally canā€™t quote Jakeā€™s wallpost it crashes my browser. However, this is Jakeā€™s first effortpost ever and it feels incredibly pure and a genuine attempt to help. We think its town.


Geyde and I are having trouble reading Merc, and weā€™re not sure what this means. Merc feels different from previous scumgames, yet a lot of her conclusions here we donā€™t understand where she was coming from. We have noted conviction that we think may be outside her scumrange so weā€™re nulling her slot for now.


Despite us getting towny vibes from Chemist, we still dislike this slot a lot. Jgoes complete ignored this:

@Jane I really want a response for your reasoning here. Marshalā€™s reasoning is very solid on Jgoes and Iā€™d be inclined to believe this slot is scum if Jgoes doesnā€™t have a good explanation for his reasoning.

Oh boy oh boy what do we have hereā€¦

Lets start with Priestess:

This readlist is objectively awful, however, the main thing to note is her read on us. She instantly starts discrediting what we say by saying ā€˜Geyde has bad Day 1 readsā€™ (Something I donā€™t remember at all btw) thereby, removing us as a threat. Furthermore, she basically ignores me and focuses on Geyde, despite only myself having posted, and most of the reads in my wallpost being my own. Priestess absolutely refuses to engage with anything I actually said, and instead basically attackā€™s Geyde when he hadnā€™t posted yet

Sheā€™s extremely aggressive this game, which is unlike anything Iā€™ve ever seen from her. She accuses Marshal of OMGUSing for defending himself like what? She also pushes him for pushing a newbie in a hydra when newbies are often the easiest way to read a high skill/low skill hydra pair. More agression:

Now onto PokemonKidRyan.

This readlist is just bad, but again, we just canā€™t seem to understand his read on ourselves. It seems as if the scum know our slot is strong so donā€™t know how to deal with it so theyā€™re just going to kill us night. Note how weā€™re somehow Pkrā€™s highest townread despite us only having one post at the time, with that post being one he didnā€™t engage with at all. His reads on Vulgard and Jake donā€™t make sense at all. Also look at this blatant contradiction between their reads, again centred on our slot:

Luxy & Geyde (1) - Holy shit. Both good players, on the same spot? On the first glance the reads sound okay, but Geyde is known for his bad reads on D1. Iā€™ll come back to this later. I think I have to read this slot by associations + intentions. Being solvey is definitely NAI for Geyde, and I guess for Luxy too.


Priestess discredits us/nullreads us and PKR puts us as his top townread! Surely if they were a town hydra, they would have discussed their reads together before posting them, right? His clear on two strong wolf players based on one post seems like an attempt to pocket us and then nightkill us later. Additionally, Pkr just happens to claim self-confirming in a game where almost everything is NAI. Tinfoil time: PKR is a mafia role which is designed to ā€˜confirmā€™ itself as town.

Final thing to note: Priestess consistently forced the thread back onto Marshal, even when there was a natural transition off of him. This is beneficial from a scum perspective as there is a potential two mislynches there. Geyde noted that the thread warped around that interaction, meaning there was at least one scum involved, and we think it was Priestess.

Arete also picks up on this:

This strongly condemns Priestess in our minds.

Overall, Priestess/PokemonKidRyanā€™s slot is probably the best lynch for today followed by Jgoesā€™s slot in our opinion.

Here is our current PoE.

  1. Arete & Disquieted - Null
  2. Astand - Townlean
  3. Luxy & Geyde
  4. Simon - Slight Town
  5. Kai - Slight Town
  6. Shurian - Townlean
  7. DatBird - Null
  8. Priestess & PKR - Scumlean
  9. Marshal - Townlean
  10. Vulgard & Squid - Townlean
  11. Katze & Firekitten - Slight Townlean
  12. Derps - Townlean
  13. Maxwell - Null/Slight Scumlean
  14. Jake & Alice - Townlean
  15. Merc - Null
  16. Jgoes & Mist1422 - Scumlean
  17. Maximus - Greenchecked by astand/Townlean
  18. Nerbins - Slight Scumlean

This leaves PoE as Arete+Disquieted/DatBird/Priestess+PKR/Maxwell/Mercenary/Jgoes+Mist/Nerbins

Given there are probably 4 or 5 scum in this setup. This PoE is very tight.

Simon and Kai can possibly be in the PoE but gut says town for both at this point in time.

To conclude, we should only lynch in the above PoE today, and we believe Priestess/PKR are most likely to flip scum out of the entire PoE.



Edit: wait is this not a signups thread


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Begone from thine thread, boomer.

In all seriousness, i would be very down for the preistess/pkr lynch because of preistess being hella scummy and the lack of progression from pkr to push the scum!marshal narrative
(especially after i point out their conflicting reads)

Like priestess claims i haveā€™nt used any logic to back up my posts, even though i have provided thoguht-out reasoning for my scumreads.

I think the possobility for the whiteknight is there but iā€™m really just getting more ā€œscumteamā€ vibes from preistess/pkr and jgoes/chemist.

Im okay wwith lynching either slot.

geyde has not posted yet. i would like to see him confirming this

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to be clear:
@Geyde post.
ive posted twice on this, you can at least give me one

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incorrect nerd

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also just saying most of yall are being too conservative.
we have 24 hours left, half the day, and ive been p casual about my posts.
i havent used half my posts yet. ill be fine

I have been very liberal to destroy the boomers

also because it seems that iā€™m the only one without a post restriction.

btw gonna ask this again:

Does anyone else not have one? because it feels very weird that i donā€™t have one in this case where everyone else does(and it doesnt mention specifically that i dont have one, it just doesnā€™t say anything.)

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@Luxy despite your slot having only one post at the time my belief was that it was really good and honestly showcased not only your hydra working together but the effort put in. Overall I have had more reasons to scumread other slots. I do not understand why Priestess scumread you at the time as that was quite early in the day iirc.

I understand where you are coming from due to Priestess forcing the discussion back and forth there however I believe she will explain why she had done so herself (I will ask her to do so) and from our reads being so different however there are multiple differences in our reads:
1 - Priestess is the newer part of our hydra and has more posts.
2 - Priestess posted their thing much earlier on than I had done so (Around 3hrs difference). Which meant I had access to more posts to consider. Not necessarily from your team but from other ones.
3 - Just because we are working together, I do not believe it means our reads (At least until night) need to be the exact same. In fact itā€™s probably good that we do both post our own opinions here because then you can see progression from each part of our hydra rather than see us as a joint entity.

Iā€™d like to further point out this. You were not my only moderate town read at the time. Arete/Disquieted and Mercenary were in that category with you. So while I understand your concern due to the 1 post thing, the fact it was good meant you deserve moderate town along with 2 other slots I found were overall quite good.

I explained Jake part way down with his opening and in his attitude which I did not believe town would have due to it being ā€œdangerousā€. Vulgardā€™s slot is mostly due to Squid since they are a hydra and I thought the way which they defended Marshal could be a pocket attempt if Marshal is town or could be an attempt to defend their buddy should they be a scumteam. I had mentioned this in my big post.

This is perhaps the thing I take most from this. I am unsure if scum versions of this class do exist, there may be and Iā€™ll search that up. I want to point this out, I have been limited to 20 posts, as I have stated multiple times. This theory might be offā€¦ but those with less posts may have stronger roles since I believe our role is huge power but also huge variance.

At this point I am willing to claim. I will of course check with priestess before doing so but if we do claim, I would like protection and for a general consensus to be made by town for our target. My personal choice at this time would be the Arete/Disquieted slot.

(This is post 6/20 today)

you donā€™t have to reply immediatelly, but when you or priestess or whatever other hydra can, donā€™t yall have a hydra chat to go over reads there?

Yes, we do. By Luxy seemingly always discussing with their partner I would presume we can chat but we just havenā€™t really hence why we keep @ ing each other in the thread. This is kinda because Iā€™ve never played hydra before. I also have avoided discussing there because Iā€™ve been paranoid itā€™ll count towards my 20 limit per day. Probably shouldā€™ve asked eevee but shrug will do when heā€™s back.

I have a further thing to point out that was not addressed.
While I was offline, Priestess posted her own reads. As proven by this quote:

Luxy had mentioned how we had not discussed our reads.
This of course is true, since we couldnā€™t discuss anyway if I was not around.

However I do not see exactly why that contributed to the read on our slot. I mentioned above why it might be different and Iā€™m bringing this up again because Iā€™ve expanded on reasoning here.

Post #7 most peopleā€™s lucky oneā€¦ But means I have the unlucky 13 posts to go if I want to use my maximum possible.

your chat is on the forums, correct?

Just like this post if it is.


and like this one if it is not

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This post was liked by PKR.

This is OOG, so iā€™m not gonna pursue it further, but something interesting to note

This is the final post Iā€™m gonna use tonight (Just because a: Itā€™s 5:50 AM and b: I want to save up more for when Iā€™m awake and after more discussions exists)

I did not get a link to a discord server, or at least I donā€™t remember getting one - -I woke up, saw our card, posted in the signups, then went on with my day. Game started, then I started calculating my stuff- - I do not know if this is an error or not. But at this point I will presume it may be since I townread Jgoes and do not think heā€™d lie.

I use forums mostly for discussion (Since this place is where the game takes place) so either:

  1. There actually is one, Iā€™ve totally ignored it and now Iā€™m going to look like an idiot
  2. There was only one for Jgoes because Chemā€™s account here is new. So it was how they first were able to discuss pre-game start. Day start was 24 hours ago iirc but Chemā€™s account is like only 18 hours old
  3. We are supposed to use PMs as our chat (And I just didnā€™t realise and was paranoid due to the 20 posts anyway thing)

As a result Iā€™d like to check with others how they communicate too since Jgoesā€™ team is probably the worst one to pick for comparison due to these facts I pointed out in #2

@Luxy @Geyde @Arete @disquieted @Vulgard @PoisonedSquid @JakeTheWolfie @Alice @Alice @Kirefitten whichever of you is around first please can you confirm how you guys can chat.

(Post #8. 12 to go)

  1. Hi my friend, why are you trying to angleshooting my partner. Is this game really so much worth for you that you wanna risk that, lul
  2. My partner is a complete idiot anyways (sorry, PKR, you know I love you)
  3. I talk HOWEVER AND WHENEVER I WANT with my partner
  4. I dont know if we should use Discord or not, because I told Eevee in beforehand that Iā€™m not going to join any discord servers. I have some security stuff going on.

I pretty much completely disagree with this and Iā€™d like it if you explained how you came to this conclusion.

We have both our class card for the match and a Discord chat but I really doubt Eevee would have done something like give Mafia a different subset of chatting options and not mention it. We admittedly havenā€™t been using ours very much due to timezone differences.

Would like to request for reasons Iā€™m not going to elaborate on that people not ask our hydra to communicate via likes.