[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Or you know I agreed with their posts and had a mind meld. Plus iirc Luxys whole meta is hes a lot more solvey as town and lacks conviction as scum

How does that clear that?

Read the rest of the post maybe and you will get the answer. Cause iirc I stated I read them both as town in the Jake reply

Well idc

I thought wall post doesnt equal lock town. That’s the same type of townread I gave Luxy and Geyde, but because it aligns with your agenda you dont mention it

I disagree, the thing is I dont give deep analysis. I give what I’m feeling about the posts. That’s my analysis. I dont ever really jump that into analysis unless I’m isoing, and even now I barely do that. I was mainly writing out how I felt about posts as I caught up in thread.

About the same as I gave in my catchup. Theres not been many changes since then.

Where is everyone? The one time I can be active threads dead

Gonna knock this all out at once since I have 9 posts left, sorry for the wall-post but I wanna get this excuse of an ISO out of the way


Better to be honest than lie. Judging by how people read me so far I definitely have been suspicious. Admitting that is only fair.

To be fair this is actually a valid point, and I’ll explain. I didn’t have any solid reads at the time besides Astand. I’m gonna get shit for this but I believe firmly that in NON-BASTARD games that mechanics outweigh reads in most situations because players play differently. Therefore I rarely have any solid reads in D1 that don’t come from past experience or vibes. In all likelihood I’ll have more solid reads tomorrow.

This was to see if Marsh’s slank-vig claim was legitimate. I should’ve known it was possible if I paid more attention to the rule-list but I didn’t so I asked. FYI I said this before, please read the thread more carefully in the future, it’ll probably result in more accurate ISOs from you.

I already said before that those people and their situations were brought up WHILE I WAS ACTIVE. That, plus I could’ve read about it while skimming posts from before. Just because I’m skimming doesn’t mean I miss everything. Also what’s a “demonster”, that an FM term I don’t know about?

Hi Dat

Actually joe brought up a good point about my slot.

Let me see if I can bring it up.

So do you have any meta or gut reads on any player other than Astand

FK is townlean mostly because of that long analysis post he made and Geyde, which is gut slight townlean. Probably because he thinks I’m obvious v but he could be pocketing me so I’m not certain

I agree on this

So Nerbins if we had to cfd onto somebody today who would you cfd onto

No because scum have at least 4 different classcards judging by setup size, so they would know which theme it was. This was just a faked attempt at doing progress followed by that insult from nowhere.

And you didn’t contribute ANYTHING. I would expect someone who read the entire thread or was online at the time to have more content than you did.

Stop being passive-aggressive because I’m the only person who thinks that it is worthy to discuss your case with you. It was supposed to be “demonstrate” and it is quite obvious to be a mispell.

I dont see this passive agressiveness in this post at all what are you talking about

This felt quite offensive. Anyway let’s not debate about it since we have few posts.

A lot of people have long analysis here. What makes FK special?

Yes, I also think many of those claims are total bs. People are all claiming CONFIRMABLE PR.

I’m here, online, and mostly present in case anyone cares. I’d rather wait for Arete to talk to before I put my reads out there but if you want an opinion from me you can ask and I’ll grudgingly oblige.

Otherwise I’ll just be here for critique, mainly.

I dont see the second one as agressive, but I can see the first one as agressive.
Also I have a lot was kinda saving them

Whats ur spiciest read?

A: Astand also discussed my case

B: Sorry that came across as passive-aggressive, but I actually didn’t know for sure whether it was an FM term or not. The intention wasn’t to be passive-aggressive.

As I said I haven’t read the thread completely, so I’m not the best person to ask. I regard inactivity as suspicious, though, and the fact that BOTH Joe and Mist have very low post counts speaks a lot to me. I don’t think that’s entirely worth a CFD, though, it might be a PR thing I missed, but they’re the biggest scumread I have right now as a result of both of them being very quiet

I won’t deny that THIS was passive aggressive. Sorry that it offended you, that was a low blow on my part. Me being angry at the ISO is no excuse, I acted immaturely there

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Mm, nice question. To be honest I haven’t really absorbed much of the thread and was hoping I’d walk through it with Arete to critique/encourage him in particular. I’m also not really putting myself in a mindstate this game for spicy reads. But I’ll think of one right now.

Actually, as it stands, I don’t think I have one. I have about four or five reads and they all feel fairly consensus-y. Which I don’t particularly mind. Mainly Nerbins town, PKR/Priestess mafia, Marshal probably just town, etc. Meh, if i was going to be more selfish I would say I was hoping someone would ask me my thoughts on someone and I’d look at it on the spot.

You can have a general read in that most of these pushes in the thread bar one particular one have been laden with confirmation bias and are pushes for the sake of pushes. I kind of have no desire to respond to exact posts (I can poke at certain pushes if you give them to me now, but I’m not here to tell people their posts are bad) but they’re mostly either town trying to do something to progress, maybe a bit more aggressiveness than I’m used to to push through Day 1, or scum just trying to do something. Sometimes I wish I spent more time in this thread because of it, real-timing people’s notes are the best way to communicate for me and I don’t like posting at people a significant amount of time later.

Kind of feels bad as a paragraph but I’m saying it anyways.

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For the record I think the PKR/Priestess push is the most cromulent push that’s been made all day and is what I’m alluding to.

I do like whoever said that PKR/Priestess aren’t really, um, in sync with each other, and even saying that would be a misrepresentation of how they’re playing. I think their games are pretty much solely individual, they’re not really collaborating with each other, and when I last left off I was seeing both PKR and Priestess attempting to respond to things at the same time, which was, uh, interesting.

Hydra dissonance is a real thing, and while I’m not really present enough to fully examine the reason why Priestess is wolfy, the explanation resonated with me (i believe some of it was about trying to keep the Marshal/jjg thing going, which yes, is suspect) and was probably the most alignment indicative case I’d seen.

It probably sounds weird not responding to the person by name, or what exactly Priestess was wolfy for, but I don’t have a great memory and the forum layout on ToL seriously doesn’t help, so, sorry about that. I’ll note it down when I chat later.

I’m going to pull another Geyde here and say that this read is probably correct. Since he posted it a couple hours ago, just about no one has engaged with it in either direction; if Dat were town, I would expect some proportion of the scumteam to jump on it as an easy push unless they’re very confident in being able to pull off a mislynch, which just seems really unlikely to me unless all the wagons are V. There’s also no one really defending him, but that makes sense given that Geyde is the only one really pushing that angle, so in the worlds where Dat is scum his scumteam probably wouldn’t be super worried about the push at this point.

The alternative explanation that occurred to me is that scum could just not be active in the thread right now at all, but again that seems really unlikely.

My biggest concern about the push at the moment is that it comes from a slot I wolfread but pre-flips have generally worked out badly for me in the past so I’m inclined to trust my thread read here over associations with {Geyde/Luxy}.

I’m here and not able to post for that long because you all wallposted too much so it took too long for me to catch up


Anyway I have SDAL, Merc, Luxy and FK marked as towny and sort of Arete as well

Jgoes, Marshal, astand, PKR, Arete, Vulgard, Priestess and Luxy get official warning for angleshooting.

Next one is modkill.


I would like to claim, since I have a feeling that our slot will otherwise be voted out.
Myself and Priestess have discussed this so have determined that our best course of action is to claim now rather than let day continue as it is.

We are a Town Gunsmith.
We pick a player at night, they get a gun. It’s that simple.
The biggest problem we face is that if we give mafia a gun, they get to shoot it and I presume they’re able to kill too meaning it’d potentially give 2 KPN to them.

We are unable to give this gun to the same player more than once. Hence why I wanted to start at the top of my reads and work down. However, now I am fine with Maxi the consensus town read being able to choose who receives our gun.