[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

If no invests targeted my target, I receive one completely randomized piece of investigative feedback.

So I know Alicekid wasn’t targeted by multiple invests as in that case i think i’d have received multiple pieces of feedback. It was either 1 or 0.

Interesting, didn’t consider that.
It could happen if votes were not coordinated. But since the counter wagon is likely not scum it is likely that Nerbins is a townie.
God, I dumbed here hard

its an acronym. it can be used to represent anything that starts with those 2 letters. i knew power role and post restriction were both terms.
so sorta. unsure if i remembered this at the time, but ive technically know that yeah

No, not necessarily one that someone else received. Completely random.

@katze eeeee answer me soon I’m anxious owo

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Hmm, or not.
Seeing back there PKRiestess and Nerbins voted eachother near EoD. It could have been a “if one of us flips the other is gucci”.

btw the piece that you received prolly came from an observer/watcher (one of those two, i forget which)
you received a version of:
“[x] was targeted last night!”
or perhaps
“[x] was targeted by [y] last night!”

No. This is my first forum game, which would also mean my first one with a post restriction.

In my eyes, PR only meant Power Role - and usually will probably mean that in the future anyway.

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Anyway I have said earlier that I would ISO a nullread at random. It randed on Bird, but I have find something hella interesting about Simon and Katze whilst reading it.

Why did you read LuxyGey as town this time? Simply because they made a wallpost?

PKR was talking about post restriction here as he had clarified later.

Scum would have known which role PKR had, and thus would not come to the conclusion that PR meant power role if they knew that PR could mean both Power Role and Post Restriction.

PKR never pointed out the double meaning of PR, but Dat did (pointing it out is NAI, it just shows that Dat knew there were post restrictions - everyone commented about them a ton and he should have one himself - and also knew the double meaning of the slang).

Simon did not answer the clarification, but Katze did:

But it did not answer what I wanted to know, so I have asked them both separatedly.

TL;DR PKR schrodingered having either a post restriction or power role. Simon, who knew that PR meant both post restriction and power role and immediatly thought he claimed power role is town, because scum knew he had a post restriction and not a power role.

So to clarify, because the way you worded it is strange: You TR Simon and SR me for that?

I TR Simon for that and you continue to be what you were before, since the whole scenario is irrelevant if you didn’t knew that PKR could have a post restriction when he claimed PR

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My first thought after seeing that vote count was that I should probably reevaluate Nerbins from that, as it does seem to me that the vote PKRiestess had on them was for the preservation and not for distancing - I think the fact they might have exploited the fact that I was very open about me suspecting Nerbins and about my intention to vote, so they tried to go for an opportunistic vote (adding the fact that I was widely townread, so maybe they felt some people would try to vote with me for that reason).

I think this theory would be more likely if there is a wolf contained within Maxwell/AliceTheWolfie, as they’d be able to tell better in that case that Nerbins’ wagon could gain traction.

Also I didn’t receive any fruits, and no, I don’t actually have any peeks.

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I might have a reason that leaving cover might have been for the better though, but let’s leave it at that.

I’m having to assume that The Mafia reduced Nerbin’s Postcount, as no one has claimed it. Unless someone does claim it, that is.

That does seem to be an inherently anti-town ability at the very least.

Also Jake, did you have any contact with Alice at all during the game?

I don’t think the mafia did it. Why would they choose Nerbins over everyone that was being townread at the time? It would just confirm an easy mislynch as town.

I really wish alice would post because imo their easier to read than jake, especially after playing with Alice as scum

I’m not going to say this again:

Alice has been AFK the entire game. They haven’t once voiced an opinion on anything, or even spoken.


I see you gather before me…hungry…terrified…
Clutching your babes to your breast.
Men of North, you stand at the precipice!
Your kings have failed you, so now you turn to the gods.
And yet you do not plead?
You do not kneel to dust your heads with ash?
Instead you wail “Why have the gods forsaken us?”
We must look into the trails we failed long ago!

Now seriously, start posting. Leaving a newbie hydra isn’t nice to the hydra and to everyone else in the game.