[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

This is me trying to be nice about it, it’s the truth though.

not the priestess part but what marshal did



but the minority was right about… taxes or some shit and you tried to silence them on that.

You are now trying to silence them about… prices of ink and shit.

and if you have secret ties with the ink industry, then that is obviously bad motivation.

I never tried to silence you on that

That’s propaganda started by the minority which is why people are sick and tired of them spreading it

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

Which sounds harsh, but you aren’t really thinking through your posts logically

even when people call you out on it, you insist that you are right

Day 1, post 1.

idk about his alignment but his reads bad.

Just because a read is right doesn’t mean your reasons for the read are even close to being good

This is deja vu all over again from the Lord of the rings game

Tinfoil: there is a 4-hydra scumteam with FKatze, Pkreistess, Aretted, and now just jake.

and eevee decided to do this so that people wouldn’t use the argument of "no way is the scumteam a bunch of hydras

is this shade?

because i was scum there and my arguments were deliberatly bad.

From the logical fallicies wiki page

Attack the Person
Abusive: An attack on the character or other personal qualities of the opponent. An example: “I’m not going to listen to anything you say because you’re stupid.”

From disquieted’s post

That’s an attack on your play

No I already submitted all my actions Pre game

I saw PKR claim confirmable in an Eevee game, scum boom

Anyways at work and slammed so don’t expect me to be around much

Why would I be so blatantly against Arettled if we were scum partners? takes your tin foil

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Well I can’t tell the difference between your arguments here and there, so you must have a great scum game.

I don’t know why I’m in a foul mood today

Now that readlist is weird as hell to me. Mind explaining where you’re coming from? Especially when it comes to the bottom half, because I don’t understand a lot of it whatsoever.

The only reason I’m doing this is because of my post restriction and I imagine it’s the same thing for plenty of other people.

…This is Merc re-evaluating on DatBird, right? After putting him near the bottom of her readlist, he completely changes placement.

My problem? She does not really reach a strong conclusion in the re-evaluation. “Dat has a lot of subtle townie things and people are pushing him because he was busy with school.” …

…Being depressed about the gamestate when a mafia was lynched d1 was a subtle towny thing?

Asking for something convoluted is a subtle towny thing?

…Why would scum not do this? Scum do that kind of thing a lot to seem towny. They are nice to someone and remind them of a restriction / something that happened in the past. Basically, they do IIoA. That post from DatBird is IIoA. Again, no idea how that makes him towny and how it qualifies as a “subtle towny thing.”

So let me clear things up a little. Merc posts a readlist where Dat is near the bottom, then chooses to re-read his posts - his, not Kai’s or Derps’, despite the other two being her strongest scumreads. I suppose it’s alright. That’s the thought process I can imagine her having.

Then she points out a few things about Dat she considers towny, which I completely disagree with… and comes to the conclusion there are ‘subtle townie things’ DatBird has said. I don’t think anything she pointed out was ‘subtle townie’ but whatever. And then… she put her near the top of her readlist just like that?

I honestly don’t buy the progression here. It feels unnatural. It seems like Merc was always going to ‘reevaluate on Dat’ and call him town in the end, it was always going to happen and that was why she selected him instead of the stronger scumreads (and why she did not place him at the very bottom - it is easier to justify radically moving someone up a readlist if they were not at the very bottom). She did not even go through all of his posts. The argument she made was that ‘Dat has said plenty of subtle townie things’, but everything she pointed out was not subtle or townie. And at the end of the reevaluation, she actually defends him with a version of AtE. “OoOOoOOoOOoOO Dat was busy you guys stop I’m angery.” So… she reached the conclusion he was town, because of ‘a few subtle things’ that apparently justify putting him in the towncore. …Okay?

Just to clarify, I don’t think Merc’s read is a bad read, I think it’s a very scummy read. I think she attempted to fake progression and re-evaluation on DatBird, but failed to make it look natural and that is why her re-evaluation post pinged me so hard. It just… does not look like a waterfall. ‘Post 1, post 2, post 3. All subtle townie things. DatBird is town.’ There is no nuance to that read at all, no strong justification for why he is suddenly towncore. Just an umbrella ‘subtle towny things.’ This reeks of scum unable to fabricate a deep read, therefore using umbrella terms to summarize it and prevent it from looking obviously scummy.

And the worst part is, if Merc really is scum like I’m suspecting, then DatBird is almost certainly scum as well because I would never expect scum!Merc to try to ‘re-evaluate’ on town!DatBird and fail like this. It just does not make any sense to defend a town and do it this poorly. There was effort in Merc’s re-evaluation post, she did look for an angle to push that could sell DatBird as town (even though I find the post scummy). I have no idea why she would even bother if DatBird was actually town.

TL;DR Merc’s re-evaluation post on DatBird pings me as scummy on multiple levels and I have a hard time imagining it as a town-motivated post. The thought process she shows in that post does not feel natural and reads to me as poorly fabricated. She jumps from one thing to another, then summarizes the change of her read with an umbrella term ‘subtle towny things’ and puts DatBird in towncore on her readlist. I don’t think the depth of her read matches the power of her conclusion, and it feels like Merc is trying to make her scumbuddy look better. Of course, if Mercenary is actually town, then this association can be disregarded; I just believe Mercenary would never write a post like this as town. The thought process seems too unnatural to me for that to be the case.

Also, Mercenary apparently does not have a single scumread, so the entire bottom of her list is nulls? And somehow, a few nulls are scummier than others? I don’t understand this.

So yeah, really bad look on Mercenary for this. Also, her vote at EoD was parked on a bad wagon, but that’s another thing.

I believe mafia would not be inclined to pile all of their votes on PKR/Priestess; at most there is one vote there and the others are either spread across the other wagons or not present at all. Why do I think this?

Look at the wagons. Priestess was definitely saveable. Now, I understand that mafia probably do not know the votecounts (if they do, things would make a lot more sense), but they probably did plan to orchestrate a counterwagon. I can’t imagine Nerbins getting this many votes without mafia pushing it as a counterwagon. It just does not make sense to me, especially after Luxy/Geyde’s final push.

Jake’s vote in particular stands out the most to me because it initiates the counterwagon (although this is not a very good reason to scumread someone in a game with no votecounts until lynch). In general, there is probably at least one scum among Jake/Maxwell/Astand - although it is never astand from my point of view. Astand is my top town and stayed town after I read his posts today.

The Maxwell vote is especially weird because he has never scumread Nerbins (if you want proof, read his day 1 ISO - it’s not very long). He has not even talked about Nerbins. That’s why I think his vote sticks out like a sore thumb. He was not even scumreading Nerbins, Nerbins was not on his mind whatsoever, so why park his vote there? Being offline could justify this, but I believe there might be more to it. It makes sense from the mafia point of view - if he was trying to vote on the counterwagon actively built by scum. From a town perspective, I think Maxwell being offline is the only good justification, but it still does not fully explain why he voted someone like Nerbins and not a nullread or consensus scumread before he went offline. TL;DR I think Maxwell’s vote looks terrible and I already pointed out his rather scummy entrance on day 1.

I suppose it’s possible that the ‘counterwagon’ ended up being accidental, but I think it’s dubious. PKR/Priestess was voting there at EoD. Certainly it would be good if their partners helped vote on that wagon and make it gain traction. It would be funny if Jake/Maxwell/Priestess/PKR were all scum who voted on that wagon, but it seems too easy.

So yeah. I know this post is chaotic, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there before going to sleep. I think there had to have been one scum vote on Priestess/PKR, 1+ scum votes (other than PKR/Priestess) on Nerbins, and 1+ scum votes on other wagons or no wagons. I’m leaning toward ‘on other wagons’ because they would not want to be caught novoting, I think. It would look pretty suspicious. The only novoter was Jgoesemist and they have just died, so yeah.

Please don’t hate me for making this post so hard to read.