[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

Luxy’s wall uses so many fallacies and ignore so many points on me I’m not taking it seriously anymore.
Either this is a coordinated push by both Poisoned/Vulgard and them (they have the exact same point on DatBird whilst completely ignoring my read on Simon for unknown motives) or LuxyGey are blind by confirmation bias. Anyway in the next post or so I should have a formed opinion on this hydra but I’m not thinking it is good-aligned already.
VCA is easy to fake that early on the game because most of it is inductive, so their post is more worldbuilding than anything.
I’m not inherently accusing Poisoned/Vulgard here, they are just associative. If Luxy manages to be scum, P/V also likely are. P/V remains null until otherwise noted.

This… Marshal was not my heaviest scumread. Kai was. I was in fact thinking of voting PKRiestess at that moment, but Kai’s answer to my question here…

He didn’t answer my question at all. That’s why I voted him, at least in hindsight maybe I should have thought about the vote harder. Weekends for me are particularly bad… and today’s a Public Holiday! More sleeping for me!

Also, I’ll come back in 7 hours when I wake up for work. My PR is reverted too, so that’s a plus…??

18 hours left. Well fuck, guess I ain’t sleeping.
I’ll be up here… I guess?

@Kirefitten Hi

I want to note directly that Luxy’s strike on discrediting (admittedly, I have not read much of their posts today) but that’s something that caught my eye while scrolling up. I’ll want to look into that a little more afterwards.

Also, I’ll be looking into Kai to see if he has shown signs of improving as per my… well unfinished wallpost that I abandoned halfway through and left it in my notepad.

My vote on Kai was cast in about 14 hours before EOD? I remember it was 8 pm for me, and Kai pops up spouting a lot of things and I felt he wasn’t trying, and thus lacked town motivation at the time. While I think I may have seen some more things from him near EOD? I died after post 300 from information overload. Guess that’s where wallposting faults are.

This isn’t a wallpost, right?

“I’m not saying they’re scum, I’m saying they’re scum along with someone else”
I haven’t read Dat’s ISO yet, so accusing me of not liking you because of that is… hnggh

That’s pre-flip association and I’m not sure if Eevee likes that or not :woman_shrugging:

Whoa… why is there almost no freaking talk of me?

It’s like people forgot I exist. Usually when I disappear for a set amount of time people instantly put me on the slammer, what gives?

For this Merc and Firekitten are lock town.
(Have not finished reading thread, but from what I’m seeing here, Merc looks solvey. Wonder where’d she go from here.)


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Subject to further changes as I choo along the thread my little pokeball

This feels like W!shurian trying to buddy up with the two, can’t tel if it’s because their trying to get their scum buds town read or what I think is more likely and trying to make us think that’s what their doing but those two are town

Hey what’s your read on marshal shurian

Also what was punishment for claiming vote

SOD seems fine… just reading on to see where the bad feeling came from. I remember going “wtf” like I did with PKRiestess.

Lolconfirmationbias. Just gonna read on

Eevee gave me a stern warning, just wanted to make it seem more than it was. But my PR was reduced to 10 yesterday after my warning to everyone. Which I don’t know whether it was scum or the punishment.

“Your post restriction is now…: blah blah 10 blah blah”
Fishing hay I was like wt fish???

Could you explain a little more? Which two are you talking about? You mean Merc+FK? I’m more than a little out of the loop here

So it doesn’t matter if I claim it because I already broke my post restriction

On second thought I shouldn’t test eevee

If ya broke it, ya dont have to worry!

I have 5 minutes left so ama


go back to petting the fox reeeee


/Pet Fox


When you made those posts that made Marshal angery, what were you thinking in your mind back then?