[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory


We are a Pokemon.

I didn’t want to claim, but since you guys are buying up this fake redcheck ask me anything.

Yeah this shouldn’t have been this big of a problem, but it is because Astand decided to ruin everything that’s been happening today.

The fact is I’m not scum, and Astand is going to reveal this later. But it will be too late by the time they reveal it, because everyone will be too confirmation biased by thinking it was a red check so when they re-read what we said here they will think it was scum reacting to a check.

I already got close to snapping a lot of times this game, and if I have to interact or even talk to marshal anymore this game I’m going to get even more upset. After this post I’m just leaving the thread, because there’s no point in trying to change your mind at the expense at me snapping at someone in this game. You got our claim, you got all of our thoughts before this happened at the end of the day it’s pretty much satand’s fault if we get lynched here, as we wouldn’t have reacted this way if Astand didn’t take claim a check.

@astand if this is a reactiontest please reveal.

BUt i don’t think he mass pingus and cop covers for a reactiontest.

Firekatze please apologize to jgoes for me in deadchat.

When we flip town, this’ll be their alibi :slight_smile:

@astand If you’re a pokemon trainer speak now

FK spew

I don’t actually think I need to quote anything else from his engagement with Marshal’s slot, if there was any doubt after Priestess’s flip it should be gone now. The fact that two Mafia were trying to discredit his early reads probably point to them being correct about one of his early reads.

Derps is town

Pings Nerbins here and a couple other places, on second thought I’m too lazy to look at every single question FK asked of another player unless I have reason to think it’s AI one way or the other.

Maxi is probably town from this, it feels to me like he’s looking for a reason to be able to push Maxi as if Maxi were his scumbuddy he’d be fine to let him be cop-cleared.

This is not a great look for Nerbins.

{Luxy/Geyde} town, Merc town, Astand still probably town, Marshal town with terrible logic, Simon and Derps likely town from VCA + general attitude, {Jake/Alice} and Maxi likely scum, more confident on {Jake/Alice} than Maxi
This is the post Litten was complaining about, thinking there’s at most one scum in my town list and possibly that it’s pure, as otherwise Litten wouldn’t have needed to cast doubt upon it.

These are both in reply to Derps

Derps is super town this game

Shading on Datbird

Rolecop-y thing on Datbird, I think at this point it’s likely that Dat is town both from the shading and the softed rolecop-y thing

In red: {PKR/Priestess}, Nerbins, {Arete/Disquieted}, Jake, Maxwell, Merc, {FK/Katze}, Datbird
Thinking that some number of the red people are scum with FK/Katze.

Datbird very likely town, I doubt FK busses Dat after a D1 scum lynch.

I might end up needing to re-evaluate my Kai read, going to be honest. Though see below with respect to Katze.

Derps is t o w n

Light shading on Jake

FK starts out with ‘let’s find the bus votes,’ does his asking-for-times thing, and concludes the wagon is pure. From this I think it’s very likely that the wagon is impure. {Luxy/Geyde} is super unlikely to be a bus, Derps is spewed town by FK, Simon feels very town for reasons I’ve explained although his ignoring the redcheck because ‘reads > mechanics’ is kind of weird, Marshal is spewed clear by Priestess + FK, and I know I wasn’t bussing, so that leaves Nerbins as a very likely bus vote. Would also explain why Nerbins tries to shift the lynch to Maxi (who FK was trying to un-clear earlier).

I actually think Simon is probably town from the questioning of the redcheck because responding to a redcheck on your scumbud with ‘ACTUALLY reads > mechanics’ is just so terrible that I can’t see scum doing it.

Katze spew

This is in response to Luxy

This is in response to Jake’s post. I feel like both heads of the hydra have been lightly shading Jake, while still interacting with him, so I think Jake is slightly more town because of it.

Though this post proves that he’s not above shading his scumbuds.

With Luxy/Geyde being nearly lockclear at this point this feels like probably TMI.

Weird read, but I think Kai is likely town from how the two heads had nearly opposite opinions on him. I think they would have discussed what attitudes they were going to have about their scumbuddies, so the fact that they have different opinions on Kai points to him being town.

More shading on Maxi, this feels to me like ‘why can’t we mislynch Maxi :frowning:’

Shading Luxy/Geyde. What was even the point of this, we were never going to be persuaded that they were bussing.

tl;dr: Maxi town, Nerbins probably scum, Derps town, Datbird and Jake both >rand town

you forgot marshal town.

you should probably leave the marshal sux gang before it incriminates you too.

Also i think Aretted is scum with Fkatze as scum because Fk wanted to discredit all of my pushes on that slot. So we have some scum motivation there.

So how will your reads change when we flip green?

It’s pretty silly to not consider the possibility.

Also the eod vote on aretted by fkatze doesn’t seem pure as priestess was clearly the lynch and that vote could be some easy distancing.

However i’m gonna do a game re-eval at night from a more unbiased standpoint(although my biased one is also doing pretty well)

I stand by ‘Marshal’s logic this game has been bad’ and will continue to stand by that until your logic stops being bad, I didn’t really feel the need to include ‘Marshal town’ in my summary any more than I’d need to put ‘Luxy/Geyde town’ because it was already obvious.

What do you make of Katze’s repeated shading on my slot + voting me at EoD yesterday?


also your hydra really doesn’t seem to think so and is the founder of the marshal sux gang and has shaded me a few times today

This post feels like it’s pointing towards a preistess vote, but then the vote is aretted.


can you explain the vote please katze?

…no, I think you’re town here (as I said when I looked at Priestess’s spew), I just think you’re town with bad logic. Did you actually bother to read any of my analysis of Priestess’s spew?

You won’t even consider the possibility that my alignment isn’t red?

That’s pretty amusing.

How many times do I have to explain this? Have you even read my posts?

explain it again.


If Katze was going to distancevote a scummate, then why would he not distancevote the scummate who was actually getting lynched? Your argument here doesn’t actually make sense.

Katze, do you mind giving us a full readlist right now (since FK refuses to)? If you’re actually town, it can only help.

Since Marshal is busy sheeping with a fake cop instead of formulating his own opinions, here you go. :slight_smile:

I’ll write one up before EoD.