[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

on and off

I gave up a couple minutes ago

@eevee put some limit next time like 2000 characters per post

Actually you guys need to coordinate your posts better tbh
Geyde wastes a lot of his posts and Luxy has to overcompensate and speak for both on hisā€™.

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Since it looks like weā€™re going to die, hereā€™s my promised wallpost.

Lets start it off the reads list me and FK drew up. This is ordered, by the way.



Town Lean:


Null Reads:


Scum Leans:


Me and FK worked on this list together, but I will say itā€™s more his thoughts than mine. I do agree with most of it, though. Everything written from here on out is my thoughts only.

I personally think that Luxy/Geyde are too high on this list. I think if you really look at their arguments on D2, you can see a lot of cherry picking and weak arguments overall. Merc pointed this out, but I think Merc is trying to sway us onto their side. I do agree with their arguments, even if I donā€™t think Merc is town.

I donā€™t know why FK insists Jake is the scummiest person, but I didnā€™t question it.

I still donā€™t know what astands play is here. I donā€™t think heā€™s Mafia, and neither does FK. I have a theory that I think is fine to post now, since so much time has passed.

katzes 200IQ tinfoil hat theory: It is a reaction test. Astand scumread us and is claiming cop to gauge how everybody reacts to our redcheck. Even if his read on us is wrong, the information gained from our interactions post red-check is surely going to progress the game in towns favor. The downside being that this reaction test wonā€™t be revealed until D3, if astand lives through N2.

In the event that we do flip red, I expect this entire post to be disregarded immediately. And I really canā€™t convince you that this isnā€™t just a play. But regardless, there is some sort of flip altering. Me and FK have already claimed our role, flavor, and results. You can find them if you look a little bit. If this is the case, though, eevee is really stressing the ā€œreads > mechanicsā€ idea and some of you guys should absolutely be reevaluating how youā€™re playing right now.

Seriously. Remember. Reads > Mechanics.

Either way, when we die, be very observant with what astand says. However he justifies our flip (red or green) will be very telling to his alignment.

Iā€™ll end this on the note that I had fun playing my first forum mafia game, even if my defense was really weak sometimes and I never had a good grasp on half of the players. And I totally had no clue what I was doing. If I play another FM/FoL game Iā€™ll be sure to write down my reads in a notepad so I donā€™t forget my reads and have to skim ISOs right after waking up because someones questioning a post I made the previous dayā€¦ :sweat: Thanks for hosting this, eevee :slight_smile:



I told you to place datbird above Merc wtf

/pet fox


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I was gonna post that closer to EoD, but Iā€™m tired and donā€™t want to forget to post it.

Whatever happens, however we flip, just remember that post :slight_smile:

cause Iā€™ll never write a wallpost again that is a lot of work, idk how you do it Luxy


/pet firekitten


Iā€™m going to bed in 3 minutes, I need sleep

I can wait 17 minutes maybe acfually

Anyway since it is all about not trusting mechanics (Eevee game lmao) there should be cop pitfalls and flip tampering
But FireKatz isnā€™t miller, clearly.

If we are, weā€™re unaware of it.

We should demand access to the spread sheet since we are Eevee

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Do you think it is more likely Astand is scumtesting or that you are miller?


I donā€™t know how astand plays, and I donā€™t know how good astand is as a player.

So itā€™s hard to say. I think both are about equally likely?

After that disgusting thing Iā€™m going to bed I donā€™t want to stay up 15 more minutes. However @katze since idk if Iā€™m going to be wake before end of day, we need to vote someone who will be a possible mafia that would be wagoned after Astand reveals itā€™s fake

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Yes! I have convinced someone to self care!



Wow FK you got more posts than me

I just got reminded our vote doesnā€™t matter