[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Mafia Victory

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Here is a DOTA gif so Eevee wonā€™t be mad



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So you should have no objection to being lynched, right, assuming you think there are reasonable odds of a town counterwagon? Hell, mafia would probably do it for us, as if you really did flip neut as you claim that would somewhat point to the counterwagon being scum.

Iā€™m not saying youā€™re dumb, accidentally TMIing as scum doesnā€™t make you dumb itā€™s just, well, an indication that youā€™re scum. Plenty of smart people have ever slipped with TMI and frankly ā€˜Iā€™m too smart to do this as scumā€™ is not the worldā€™s greatest defense even if this makes me a bit hypocritical.

Hereā€™s a question, if you think theyā€™re townlocked then were you seriously expecting the push on them to go anywhere? Like, FMPOV we were never going to lynch {Luxy/Geyde} and almost certainly not going to lynch {Vul/Squid}

Hey Jake, since youā€™re here, any thoughts on anything? Particularly interested in your thoughts on Maxwell, actually, though Iā€™d take Datbird and/or Merc thoughts as well.


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hell yeah.

it was obvious enough it would be TMI
It was not accidental. I knew what I was getting myself into. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m claiming, so people wonā€™t think it was TMI.

No, I didnā€™t. But it made me get attention, and that was most important.


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ā€¦can you explain what your plan here was and why you thought this was desirableā€¦

is this secretly a plot by Merc to make me waste my entire postcount arguing with her

Skipping that dayā€™s lynch if all townies foccused on me.

The Evil King is always the best king

Donā€™t make me do work as town!

Skimming over them, nothing pops out to me.

Oh good something else to do besides arguing with Merc (sorry Merc). (Incidentally, sheā€™s mentioned the possibility of a suicide bomber a couple times, so thatā€™s a possibility we should be aware of re: her role).

Are you sure thereā€™s nothing that sticks out to you about any of them? Do you believe Mercā€™s neut claim? As for Dat and Maxwell, do you think each of them is more likely to be town or scum, and why? Is there anyone you think is almost certainly town (your towncore)?

If you have other reads Iā€™ll take them, Iā€™m trying to sort you right now and to do that I need a sense of where your headā€™s at.

some things donā€™t have pardon Arete.

I donā€™t Like Mercā€™s neut claim, if they are legit. They should possibly be dealt with

how about, despite their apparent immunity, everyone vote merc. and anyone who doesnt is almost immediately scum. unless they have a really good reason

Even if Merc isnā€™t actually scum, her ā€œneut winconā€ is 100% scumsided, meaning scum will never kill her and she will always vote with scum. Therefore, we must kill her now.

Well, they could just be a hail Mary fool

Do you really think Eevee would have a fool in a game where weā€™re supposed to learn how Mafia works?

whats eeveeā€™s opinion on fools
and if its negative, would they put one in their game despite this?