[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Signups (25/X) - BACKUPS ACCEPTED

Subtle hints by Luxy.

we shall see

Iā€™ll try and get some newbie friends to play this so they can learn

I just realized my /in didnā€™t post


i feel like iā€™m good but iā€™m not good enough


Rand will be rigged to give me scum, since its known Im better as town.

my overall game is good but very rough, it needs some smoothing

I can always improve my towngame

I need my reading + scum experience



I always wanted to become better (even when I think Iā€™m not that terrible like in the beginning)ā€¦ and if I have to play FM for itā€¦ well (sigh) then so be it :wink:
I want to improve my reads + town-game + maybe getting better in explaining my weird social actions which often make totally sense :eyes:

ā€¦ also please donā€™t random claim/soft your mechanics, unless you have a very good reason to
And please try to make sure that your usage of mechanics at night is supporting your readlist, not contradicting it. Other way around too, make sure that your social plays are fitting to your mechanics and not contradicting them
cough cough ā€œnot knowing my own mechanics is town meta hereā€

#NoSoftingAllowed reeee


My play needs some serious improvement.

ā€œscum god marshalā€ only works because of atrocious town play.


When will this start?

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One thing said, I will ignore all guides, and try to focus on making my own playstyle more effective :eyes:

Dont worry not softing, Iā€™m a master of that by now

ā€¦ Priestess no. No. Donā€™t claim immediately. Please. Donā€™t do this to meā€¦

Hard claiming fool.

Please execute me so I can fulfill my win condition.

Also, not in jail thank you very much

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