[FM] Mafia Academy 1 - Signups (25/X) - BACKUPS ACCEPTED

Oh no!

How could you

do i kidnap a friend from off site

Yes, and only free them if they win/survive.

@eevee When does this start?

If the game is to large I can go to backup just lmk

wow in mountainous i didn’t shitpost at all :thinking:

sure, i made jokes but that doesn’t hinder learning and you don’t need to be so aggressive

like wow.


only in rolemadness games and not that much lol

ask bing

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Sorry bud, you have some reputation in this. Time to change that?

you’re blatantly assuming i have no self control tho so like ¯\(ツ)/¯ .

You cant really be a worse player than I so w/e reeeeee


Be quiet and join the game, you weren’t asked :wink:

um, dont want to be that guy but isnt isaac blacklisted? is this game open to people that are blacklisted?

Check the moderation page he was un blacklisted

You might want to read the thread again. Appeal was approved. Give him a chance, guys.

hey im fine with that, its just news to me so i thought i should ask, :man_shrugging: :

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Signups are closssssing.
