[FM] Memesky's uPick [14/14] [Canned]

I am a lie detector

He appears as ded cant voot :rage:

Yeah i cant vote.

Works like rev

Well yes FK. If you can target me. You may see my lies.

/vote meme
are you dead too? :thinking:

I already used my quote on you tho
Lol it works

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Sarcasm not slip

What did you see?

I have to wait for tomorrow about the healing things tho

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Like what did you do today

Something about finding ur bond


Oh yeah. You arent my bond

Guys keep those wishes coming I want to pick one soon


But like i have no form of way to protect my bond unless i heal them.

/Wish I can use my night ability when I use my day one

If I use to get death immunity tonight I can’t use my night action

/wish to become a player


Pls pick one that doesnt kill me or my bond

And because im confirmed tomorrow
/wish binds faction will be revealled publically. My bind will be anonymous

Mm I’ll only accept this if I know what it did

I killed sam