[FM] Memesky's uPick [14/14] [Canned]

/Vote pug

He might be able to swap at night

Kill his current bound right now

Btw I may of given Celeste a day vig

He might have a day swap and a night swap
We just gotta hope the wish granter is gud

What the fuck have you done


Don’t worry I talked this out with her at night.

She is going to random shoot

I literally wished for us to know who his bound was

Wait I feel like I just gave @parfait another reaction image :thinking:

He’s not bound to me when the question was asked

He can swap
The wish that unbinds and kills him is for the best.

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Btw did you have a ability to reveal yourself as town?

Because you wished for that and it happens later

Btw we only need to kill 2 Mafia and a bound and we already won

K guys wanna claim our abilites.

I’m a day vigging lie detector mystic

No one thanked the person who killed Sam, so here I go, thanks random shooter

You know what.

Ill admit something.
I originally made this class to piss y’all off

But im a town support who can heal players.
My bound is rnged and cant be changed.

I promise. Check my true faction if you want



The real wish would not be to kill me.

The wish is to check my true faction.

so you said we can target you?